In my fantasy life, Hillary shoves Bill off a tall building and as he starts to fall, he reaches out at the last minute to grab her coat tails and pulls her with him.
In my fantasy life, Hillary shoves Bill off a tall building and as he starts to fall, he reaches out at the last minute to grab her coat tails and pulls her with him.
The fact that she wasn’t coerced doesn’t mean it wasn’t an abuse of power. It means she wasn’t raped. Hilary wasn’t asked if Bill raped Monica. If she had been asked that, then she would have been correct in saying no. Hilary was asked if Bill abused the power of his office to have an affair with Monica. This is…
Ugh. At best, the most powerful man in the world had a consensual extramarital affair in the Oval Office with an extremely young and star-struck immature woman. He suffered no consequences- continued on as president, continued on as party leadership, continued on as a millionaire with speaking deals book deals a…
You might have more information than I do- I’ve only seen the two videos (the incident and the apology)- and I’m not misusing the term mentally ill when I mean misanthropic. I mean that she appears mentally ill. That lady that called the cops on the bbqers? Misanthropic and racist. The lady that called the cops on the…
I don’t know if you are arguing in good faith or not (I doubt it) but the Kavanaugh claim had loads of supporting evidence other than just witness testimony and assumptions based on believing women, including the book written by Judge (one of the guys present) about how their prep school was full of sexual…
Yes you are absolutely correct. Doesn’t she even grab her crotch?
But yes you are right. I hadn’t thought of it that way. She called the cops because the mother dared to defend her child. And I can’t tell for sure, but it looks like the white lady called out the child, the mom (off camera) defended the child, then the…
She kept yelling that she’s a cop, so I’m sure it’s part of her cosplay power fantasy.
Yup, that’s all I could think about too at first. That mom is keeping her cool because it’s literally her kids life at stake. Makes me think of how Diamond held it together after the cops shot Philando. People gave her so much shit for not seeming appropriately shocked or saddened. Like, assholes- that woman had guns…
Did you see the video in the store too?
The small child seems terrified. The older child, the one who was accused, seems like he’s alternating between fear and also the sting of injustice. Those kids were just walking around minding their own business. I can’t imagine how their mother kept her cool. She confronted the…
I feel bad for the good white lady. She’s an every woman, at least for white people. What she did was see an injustice and recognize the complicity of her people- she’s no doubt been seeing this stuff on Facebook and Twitter for a couple years now- and she thought to herself, “I will not walk by and pretend it’s not…
White supremacy is this way, too. Look at the voter disenfranchisement, the police murders, the immigration policies, the child separations, the prison system, the health care crisis among black women, etc. Patriarchal white supremacy is firmly in place.
The only rights movement that seems to have actually succeeded…
Yup. This one and the Franken one are the two that seemed most redeemable when it happened. All it would take would be an honest reflection on their behavior, why they felt that it was OK to act that way, some acknowledgement of what it looks like from the woman’s perspective, and a statement on what they learned. In…
Seriously. “Life ruined” seems to mean “rich man doesn’t have media job anymore”.
They are getting away with it in broad daylight, and they are pushing it even further- going after legal immigrants and citizens now too, as I said.
There is not going to be a blue wave in Nov. This is media hype, and it’s not an accurate reflection of real voting patterns. Likewise, the GOP base is mobilized- they are…
I’m grey despite using this forum for years, but one thing that annoys me about this take is also what annoys me about the free speech take. The conservatives in both cases (deliberately?) conflate what they are talking about.
Seriously. He should be kicked out of the Democratic Party and then removed from the Senate. After he leaves the Senate, every other Republican should be kicked out of the Senate, then followed by every single Democrat. Then the Senate should be burned to the ground and abolished forever. Why the fuck we even have a…
Loads of sexual offenders have been (still are) in Congress, including at least two who went to prison for it. And Trump is a sexual offender. As much as liberals don’t like to admit it, so was B Clinton. None of this is new- it’s patriarchy and it sucks.
Children right now are being bused by the hundreds around the country and thousands are being held in a concentration camp in the center of Texas. Many of the immigrants who stepped forward to claim them were themselves deported. Some kids of deported parents are right now being adopted by others, separated from their…
I really don’t think there will be a blue wave in November. I think they’ll pick up a few seats, but I don’t think they’ll take back the Senate even. I’d like to be wrong, but I’m not optimistic about it. Dems and liberals in general have to stop thinking that we can fix this through some legal process or through the…
The reasoning is it’s an easy way to evenly distribute traffic so that everyone knows where to go without causing a bottle neck. It’s not supposed to be because the distribution of gender is necessary. It would be exactly the same if they said “all 9th/10th graders go to the girls locker room, all 11th/12th graders go…