
What’s worse is this idea that he’s going to a new city, ordering beer from an old city, and then blaming the new city that the price of old city beer is different. Like, if the price is an issue, how about asking what beer they have in that range? And if the answer is none, how about realizing for a second that every

The worst is when he sends you drinks because if you accept them, you are obligated to talk to them, and if you don’t accept them, you are a stuck up bitch. Like, if the gals are out with their friends and not making eye contact or chatting with you, why the fuck can’t men just leave them alone?

I looked up his goodbye Chicago article. He opens it up with an anecdote about walking into a bar and ordering a Bay Area brewed beer that he thinks is too expensive in Chicago, then he approaches a table of four women and tries to start a conversation with him. They immediately tell him they are all taken which of

I seem overly invested? Damn, did you find the GoFundMe I set up for her?

Nah, when you are at that level of wealth, you don’t have Latina maids that go home to DREAMER kids. You have full time staff who have a life that revolves around you. Now the caterers for events on the other hand...

People that have giant houses like that don’t use it all for living space. She probably only goes into a few rooms on average. Others are for entertaining, for staff, rooms for specific kinds of entertainment, etc.

But wait. I thought billionaires were just like the rest of us.

Frankly, you got the much better end of that bargain. I mean, imagine being a 20 year old pregnant art student depending on a guy in his 30s who has already shown that he is not capable of grown up responsibilities.

I dunno. I wonder about that a lot. I think some of it might be that women think a lot about parenthood, men don’t until they are in it. So I bet a lot of men sort of stumble into it- like they think they want to be dads but haven’t actually thought about it until it’s happening and then they want to run away because

Well in that case, you are totally wrong. Plenty of men are controlling of who their gf and wives can talk to. Surely you know this? You didn’t know that some men are controlling and jealous? I find that hard to believe.

Oh wait, you are right. Now I feel rather silly about my other posts. I thought she said it started out that way and then grew into a full fledged affair over the years with the sex. But now I see she said “sans” the sex.

Hey hold up. There are two people making mistakes here. The first person makes the mistake of being jealous of an SO’s friend and telling him not to see that person anymore. The second person makes the mistake of lying about an affair, marrying his SO even though he’s lying to her about an affair, getting pregnant

Yes. There is cheating. It’s pretty frequently a human mistake. There are affairs. Again, giving the circumstances, it’s something that well-meaning humans in a bad situation might fall into. And then there is carrying on an affair behind your girlfriend’s back, then lying to her about the affair, marrying her even

Not to mention it’s six months more for him to cover his ass and figure out how to make it all work in his favor while the new mom is bombarded with the responsibilities of a brand new infant on her own. Better to deal with this divorce now and get herself into a better situation before the baby comes. She has like

Anyone who has an affair while their wife is pregnant with their child shouldn’t be married and shouldn’t be a parent.

People actually love to claim that disabled people are faking. And another thing you might not know until you experience it- if you have to move very slowly in crowded public places, requiring others to walk around you or sometimes (gasp) pause behind you until they can get around you, then people pretty frequently

Not just that but also people who are perfectly capable of walking or standing need canes for balance. Also people who can walk and stand perfectly for very short distances need a cane (or crutches) for longer trips. I was recovering from a back injury a few years ago, and I had crutches. I was actually perfectly fine

That’s absolutely true. Just a quick glance at The Red Pill forums will show you that plenty of misogynists are young men.

I think it’s absurd and undemocratic to link voting rights to employment. Are you serious?

Seriously I think I’d support an age limit. Like, 70? 75? Even awesome people who can change with the times, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, should be subjected to an age limit. What good is she doing the country by refusing to retire and let fresh blood in? When Obama won his second term in 2012, she was 80. She could’ve