
Take care! It’s horrible!

This dude is definitely a charlatan so I dont mean to defend him generally. But the situation with the church ‘closing its doors’ is an example of being unfairly attacked by social media. It’s true that this area did not flood and his church was not under water and therefore it is better off than a lot of homes in

Is there a movie called Guys and Gals? I’m not too knowledgable about old movies, so I’m wondering if you are thinking of Guys and Dolls? Or is there something I have not heard of?

I can’t stand using “they” for a single person. I agree there is a problem with English (another one!) because we don’t have gender neutral singular pronouns, but the solution to use plural pronouns for the singular is awful and clumsy. When a person prefers they/their/them as their pronouns, I constantly mess it up

I think some of this is regional. “Gal” is more associated with being southern, and there is prejudice against that. So the connotations for “gal” are very different for me, as a Texan. Southern Gal, Guys and Gals, etc- in the old fashioned way, “gal” conjures up images in my mind of a cowgirl, Annie Oakley type which

Yes I feel the same way, but we don’t know the context of this story. If those women were sensitive to being the only women on team or if they had been singled out for their gender before etc there might be something more to it. But generally, yes I agree. “Guys” when referring to mixed groups is pretty neutral and

“Gal” is the female equivalent to “buddy” in some contexts. But these things change with social group, age, region, etc. So I think at work, I’d avoid gal, girl, and boy. I do hear men referring to their friends more and more as “boys” and I think this is fine, just like “gal” or “girl” is fine socially and casually.

I think “guy” is pretty common for mixed gender groups and becoming more and more fine to use for both women and men, hence “you guys” and “how are you guys doing today?” and stuff like that. So I think most of the time this is fine, and I use “guys” myself.

OK I think you are asking genuinely, so I’ll try to answer that way. In the first place, we don’t know the situations of the OP’s story, but the bigger issue is, why are they singling out the only three women in the field in the first place and referring to them as “the girls”? Is there some reason you need to single

Ha ha. What’s funny is that I’m a Texan, born and raised, with family from South India so you just hit two nails on the head. You’d be surprised how little anyone in Kerala knows about Marxist theory and yet still call themselves communists. They are committed to the action, not the theory, and actually most of them

Yes I agree with all that. Also I’m sort of a nerd that way. Though as I’ve gotten older and life has gotten harder and the challenges are affecting me more personally, I care less about that stuff than I do about fighting the people who are immediately attacking me and finding solutions to the immediate problems. But

yes I agree. It’s hard to talk about this stuff online, especially since the left is so broad and none of us are experts (or at least not me, and you say you neither).

Antifa and black bloc are the same thing, at least unless something has changed very recently. Antifa just means antifascist and black bloc is a street tactic. Antifa is decentralized so you can show up and be antifa. They have local autonomous chapters. They include anarchists, communists, socialists, everyone on

People disagree about this stuff, and since it’s all theoretically anyway, the wisest response (IMO) is that it’s stupid to go on and on in detail planning a society that is nowhere near existing. Systems arise in circumstances and with need. But briefly, I can say that your question might be a little muddled? What do

I don’t see how conservatives and libertarians (in the American sense- classical and European libertarianism are very different) fit into this. But as for socialists and big government- socialists (at least the democratic ones common here) are not opposed to government. They are opposed to imperialism and state

They aren’t aligned. The left often fights itself. They are trying to be aligned in a big tent sort of way right now because they are fighting the same short term battles, but long term they have very different ideas about what they want. To answer your question in the short term though, everyone on the left agrees

Antifa is not a unified group and has no cohesive ideology about government. The Antifa I know and see at rallies range from communists (some of whom have very clear ideas about the role of government) to anarchists who believe all authority should prove their necessity, etc. to various factions between those. Also I

Not sure what you are trying to say. What ideology do conservatives and libertarians (as understood by the American usage) share with antifas? I can’t even guess what you mean by conservatives, though with libertarians I’m guessing you mean the sort of anti-authoritarianism that some of them might share with

No what we are seeing is how deeply the socialization of entitlement runs for rich athletic white men. Now that she’s sometimes personally affected by the things that rich white men in power do to others, she’s facing massive cognitive dissonance.

I’m not in the Bay Area hence the maybe. But just want to point out that I’m not talking about people showing up and causing minor property damage or even physical confrontations and violence. Fine- no one is disputing that, it’s apparent. I was talking about the “bored kid” part or (in other people’s posts) the “rich