
We also had very good sex ed in the early 90s, and that was in Texas. I wonder sometimes if the HIV crisis opened the door to good sex ed which was then immediately closed after the bodies stopped piling up. Or did the Republicans just get crazier? In any case, I find it ironic that my sex ed in Texas nearly 30 years

I know exactly what you mean. In my late 20s, I had to take an HIV test too (I don’t remember why, it was part of a random screening for something) and even though I’d been married and monogamous for years, I was scared.

That’s pretty grim, despite the hope tacked on in the end. In some ways, I think I was lucky to come of age when I did- late 80s, early 90s. Everyone was completely scared out of their minds about HIV, but we were lucky to KNOW about it and be the generation that followed the plague years rather than the generation

Right I agree with all that. Where I disagree is with A) the focus on Trump- the prez is never the person doing most diplomacy, intelligence or foreign policy in the first place. He’s more a figure-head than anything. What matters is the people behind him, and in Trump’s case, this is the GOP. And B) the implication

I have no idea what your True Blood quote is supposed to mean or how it relates to any war criminals.

Dear Mom’s Spaghetti, Please go fuck yourself. Then afterwards, eat my ass.

Sorry Borealis, I’ve lost track of what comments are where. But assuming you are referring to my statement that all four of them (Trump, Melania, Macron, Brigette) are disgusting, I’ll tell you why. Trump and Melanie, I think we can easily recognize. Brigette b/c she was a 35 year old teacher sleeping with her teenage

To be fair, I do think that if anything substantial comes of this Russian bruhaha, it’s going to be that Trump (or rather, the people in his kitchen cabinet that initially came to power with him) were making deals with Putin to lift the sanctions in order to favor either certain mafia interests or (more likely) energy

Lol, Blueberry, I thought your response was to the post I made saying all four of them are jerks (meaning both Trumps and Macrons) and you saying you prefer Macron. I was agreeing to that. I’d prefer Macron too, and I wrote my response in that light. I didn’t realize you were talking about preferring Pence to Trump.

Yea that’s what I mean. So a black person in anything other than a beat up clunker stands out? Get control of your luxurious Honda Civic driving lifestyle!

We are in proxy conflict with Russia all over the world, and yes the situation in NATO continues to escalate- it’s a new arms race. There was a confrontation today even. It happens every week. I’m not worried about Putin invading or something stupid like that. I’m worried about escalation of the arms race and then

I don’t think she’d coordinate with Trump because, like most people in positions of power even here in the US, she knows that he’s a lazy ignorant asshole. But German and other European intelligence is shared with US intelligence- what the president himself actually has a hand in is pretty small. It’s mostly done in

Again, you just listed things he’s said, not any actual policies or outcomes that are different. And no one thinks Russia and Trump are on the same side except American liberals- that’s just true. We are literally on the verge of war with Russia in Europe and no one knows this better than Merkel. As for his comments

Oh no, I don’t think the things he SAYS are boilerplate GOP at all. He has no manners, and most Republican politicians do have manners. That’s what I’m saying- that the only difference is his lack of decorum. Most Republicans would not tweet stupid shit about NK in the middle of the night. But they do make public

Oh yes. For sure I prefer the uninspiring centrist who has no vision other than to maintain the status quo over the crazed maniac who is both ignorant and lazy but very powerful. Don’t get me wrong. And even if the Macrons were crazed maniacs too, that doesn’t defend Trump against his misogyny. It’s just that I

Like what? Maybe for a few weeks Trump was different, but since about early March, he has followed the GOP line to a T. What specifically has he done that is anything different than what the GOP has wanted?

Sure. We know exactly how he’d act, and that’s how he acts when judging women involved in beauty pageants.

I didn’t know until just now how much older Brigitte is than her husband. I don’t normally care about age differences, but she was his high school teacher when their relationship started, and that’s pretty gross. Not that it makes Trump’s comments any less gross, but I think it’s possible that all four of these people

In what ways has he severely damaged our relationship with any of those people that anyone else in the GOP would not have done anyway? Foreign policy is not made based on manners. None of those countries’ leaders give a damn if Trump looks foolish or not. They might laugh at him, but they care about GOP policy.

Yup me too. I think he was just noticing that she’s skinny and her tits are large relative to her waist. That’s all. That’s what “good shape” means to him.