
Yes you are right about France, and this is why Le Pen is likely to lose. Though I don’t want to be sure since we’ve been so wrong about Trump and Brexit. But if you look at the French run offs, it’s a similar story. They had two leftist candidates who, combined, got more of the vote than Macron (the centrist). So if

Stein (who I think is a chump btw) got a tiny percentage of the vote. She did not swing the election. Trump (who, yes, is a fascist) got the same turnout as GOP candidates before him. Hilary lost the vote simply because not enough people voted for her. They didn’t vote instead for Stein or Trump, they just abstained.

I understand your frustration and I said similar things about my leftist friends who abstained in the US. But I think we need to put the blame where it is really due. If half the country is disaffected and abstaining, then maybe these fucking centrists need to reevaluate what they are offering instead of blaming

Look, stop for just a second. If it gives me credit in your eyes, I voted for Clinton to combat fascism and I think that was right given our choice. But try for a sec to see the other side.

I don’t think that’s a bad thing. US foreign policy has destabilized huge chunks of the planet by this point. I think it’s long overdue that Americans stop uniting over war.

You know, I’m done with this shit. I voted for Hilary. I tried my hardest to convince everyone I know to vote for Hilary. For exactly the reasons named here- the consequences that will befall more vulnerable people. Nonetheless, people are sick of neoliberal decline and compromise. They are done with it. And I’m tired

Yes, it’s hard. It means these people really think that grieving parents are actually trying to use their children’s deaths to manipulate the media rather than simply selecting pics they like. And if there is some reflection on what pic to choose (like we all do when planning a memorial or an obit), we can’t even give

Yes, it’s hard. It means these people really think that grieving parents are actually trying to use their children’s deaths to manipulate the media rather than simply selecting pics they like. And if there is some reflection on what pic to choose (like we all do when planning a memorial or an obit), we can’t even give

Nope. Families that include dynamics like “conservatives and their liberal daughters”are waaaaayyyyyy past underhanded “fuck yous” and well into just direct fuck yous, avoidances, severed relationships, etc.

Nah. I thought for about a month that Trump was really putting his inner circle in charge, and I think they did try. Including Kushner and Bannon and Gorka and Miller and all those horror shows. But the neocons in the GOP and the establishment hawks in the military and intelligence community have been fighting that

Trump is lazy more than anything. And stupid. He wants power and adoration. In the last month or so, he’s realized that if he comes in with a cabinet of nazis and neoreactionaries, the GOP and the deep state will be in conflict with him. Not because they are more ethical (they are also racists who want to privatize

Cops have to start being held accountable.

Actually I just googled him too and found many pics of him including a recent year book pic, and yes he does look young for his age, and not too different from the pic released. I assumed he was about 12 in the pic here, but now having seen recent pics, I think it could’ve been just a year or so before.

I don’t know why this bothers people so much. When you are actually a parent raising a child, you don’t keep a box of photos ready to release to the newspapers if your child is murdered. You reach for a recent one. He looks like a middle schooler in that picture. It’s also obviously a family photo. Grieving mom is

I’m sure some of them are cocky stupid and ill trained but not racist. But when there is a pattern and it’s happening over decades, then you have to look at the whole picture. I’m sure not every police shooting fits the exact narrative, but enough of them do that the narrative is correct.

I’m not one of those All Lives Matter folks. Black people are disproportionately murdered by police, and yes this is an occupied community. Black people are even more disproportionately locked up in prison. These injustices need disproportionate attention.

Bella! Why are you snuggling with that porcupine?

Yes my comment was overwhelmingly agreeing with this point of view. I’m just pointing out that the dichotomy between bigots-for-Trump and poor-disaffected-voters-for-Trump is false. It’s not so simple as being an either/or though of course both exist. The GOP uses racism as a scapegoating tactic. The Dems do too

Yes both things are true. I think the larger picture that is being muddled is that bigotry alone is not why Trump won. That narrative is too simplistic and clinging to it prevents people from responding to the much-needed criticism of the Dem party, the mainstream media, and our current economic situation in general.

Yup. This for sure. Not to mention the fact that the majority of people didn’t vote. And people who voted Dem usually didn’t come out for Clinton. She didn’t lose because there is a sudden upsurge in bigotry in the US, though it is undeniable that Trump gave overt voice to that bigotry in a way that it has been denied