
To judge Kaine on this, I’d have to have more context than I do. I had not even heard of him until a couple weeks ago, so I’m not pretending to know the context of this decision. If he was responding to legislation that someone else was passing or that had already passed with this sensible-sounding judicial bypass,

That’s fine. It’s not going to make me not vote for them. But it does make me lose respect for him (and Biden) when they say crap like that. What is the point of passing moral judgement? And no, men don’t get to say “it’s not for me personally” because wtf does that even mean? They aren’t personally ever going to get

Could be. But a few weeks ago, I was listening to an interview with former Clinton campaign organizers, and when they were asked about the VP choices, they said that she favored Kaine as her personal pic (thought she’d work well with him) but thought of Castro as a second choice. At the same time, they said, she

YES. This is something people rarely acknowledge when they claim that X candidate would be better than Y. We don’t know everything there is to know about various candidates in the same way that the DNC does. Bernie has issues in his past that could blow up in the media- they might play out fine or they might hurt him.

Thanks for that. That helps.

I don’t have a problem with that. But he’s going a step further than that when he says he’s for restricting late term abortion except to save the life/health of the mother. The government has no right to make decisions like that. Note that this makes no exception for fetal illness or disability which is the main cause

Look I’m fine with him. He’s whatever. I don’t understand all this enthusiasm though, especially here on Jez. This is a dude who is pro-abstinence only education, pro-parental notification, pro-restrictions on late term abortion, and personally prolife. Now I dig that he’s going to vote prochoice and has a perfect

No, I don’t remember that. I remember people talking about how Biden couldn’t hold his tongue and how people thought favorably of the way he handled his family and work after his tragedy. I remember acknowledgement that he was white and a moderate, but no mention at all of him being boring.

Yeah I’m new to this controversy, but Amber seems to be the only one who looks good here. I took her statement to be “Yeah, he can be a stupid asshole but not an intentional asshole” which is hilarious.

Is it for sure that she knew about it though? Couldn’t Kim just be wrong? Or Kanye lying? Sorry if this is all out there. I’m not keeping up.

I have no idea what’s going on.

Ermahgerd I’m so confused. I’m just going to wipe my nose on my shirt sleeve, have another tequila shot and listen to Cruz’s nutcase RNC speech.

Wait a minute, are you here from the other thread to tell me that there are two of me? Am I drunk in sweat pants in that thread too?

Again, I’m not going to go back through the thread and discover where we miscommunicated, but obviously you are thinking I said something that I did not. My entire side of this conversation has been “I wear pajama pants or sweat pants on planes”. Then defending that. I never brought up anything to do with spending

I’m wondering if you are reading someone else’s posts and thinking they are mine. That happens sometimes in long threads like this. Otherwise, I have no idea where you are coming from. You are the only person here bringing up money. I’m only responding that the cost of the thing (or going somewhere to purchase them)

This is basically what I look like when I’m flying except I’m darker.

You are totally misunderstanding my point. Yes, it’s true that dressing nice means varying things in varying cultures/climates, etc. But this is beside the point. That’s why I said even if the premise of your analogy were accurate (which it’s not), it is still irrelevant to this situation.

This makes sense. I find that I get better service in general when I’m dressed up. The very slim chance that I’m going to get an upgrade is not worth being uncomfortable though. Likewise, I’d rather have somewhat neglecting customer service in comfort wear than stellar attention in uncomfortable clothes. There really

That analogy is daft. There is no pinnacle of pure English from which we’ve all fallen. There was never a time when more people spoke more properly than we all do now. In some past (when?) that you are imagining, people spoke according to their region, culture, class and education levels- men and women. In the

Yikes, that’s nasty. What a douche.