
Really? Because 1) Life is not a college campus. 2) Campus culture is not the prevalent culture. 3) Rape culture does not mean that all men (or even most men) are rapists. And 4) Thinking that roughly 5 out of every 100 men I meet are rapists does not make me feel safe.

No, as I wrote to you in another post. More likely, the son thought this action is OK because he was raised by a father who thinks it’s no big deal. BTW, I’m not the one claiming the father is a rapist- clearly we have no idea whatsoever about the father’s life. But we can tell from his words that he doesn’t think

Yes, so far as he doesn’t want his son to go to prison. Yes, also, in the sense that he (as a father) has the right to want to humanize his son as more than just a rapist. No, so far as he excuses his son’s actions. He could’ve taken the angle of “he’s learned from his lesson” or talked about what led his son to think

Where did you all grow up and what sorts of schools did you all go to that you had princess days and daughter-daddy dances? It sounds like people in an alternate universe. I taught school for a decade, and I’ve never heard of such a thing. We never even assume that most kids even have dads, much less have dances for

I dunno. Kids tend to be cute in costumes, and parents tend to be nice about things like this.

I’ve never even heard of princess day.

I really think that Westerners, including atheists, are desperate for socially progressive religious leaders. It’s a weird thing. The outpouring of appreciation and admiration for this pope and for the dalai lama from educated Western progressives is just a really weird thing. I can’t think of any other way to account

I’m sure there is an explanation, but what always confuses me about this situation is why the church has any authority at all in these cases. I mean, aren’t there ALREADY federal and/or state laws that require people who know about abuse of children to report it? And aren’t there already laws that we can use to

I’m in the greys too. I don’t even understand how/why or what to do about it. It seems like on some threads, I get out if someone stars me or responds to me. Other threads, I stay there. Been that way for over a year, ha ha. I starred you to see if it helps.

Uggh, I sounded snarky - the way I worded that. Sorry. I’m just typing fast. I didn’t mean it to sound like that.

Thanks for clarifying. It is interesting. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t misunderstanding based on the fact that I couldn’t access the link without leaving this website.

If this works for your family, great. Different things work for different people, and you should not receive any flak from anyone regarding choices that work for your family.

A few years ago when I was going through this with some attachment parenting members of my family, I found some academics who had published a pretty brutal take down of Sears’ research on this issue. It’s been years, but it basically amounted to CIO was damaging to children who were already suffering neglect or abuse

I disagree with that, as would most people who have ever had to run a fundraising campaign. It’s natural that majority of people who you reach (with whatever strategy) will not donate. The idea is that if you reach a larger group of people than you did previously, you will receive a larger number of donations than you

OH you are right there. He’s a troll, and not at all silent. But I didn’t realize that was his user name until you pointed it out. For some reason, I thought he was calling himself SilentStormTrooper which I thought was too clever (especially seeing as he’s talking about gun violence) to be a troll’s handle. But

Nah, I think we are WAY past the point of being able to look rationally at gun violence, even when privileged people are involved. I mean, we’ve literally had classrooms full of (mostly white) five year olds murdered. This is a situation that basically ever single human can agree was really awful, and even still it

I’m going to control inner city Chicago gun violence right after I provide water for the drought-stricken farmers in India but right before I end the culture of rape in Brazil. Then I’m going to lunch.

So many people are just itching for someone to trespass on their property!

I assume this is snark. I’m humorless, so if it is, then congrats. But if you are serious- how can you be serious?

Yes, I have no idea what ALS stands for (I’ve been told, I forgot, I’ll forget again if you tell me) but I know that it is Lou Gehrig’s and I know what Lou Gehrig’s is. I bet there are a lot of people who are like this.