
Did you read any of the pieces by sex workers around this issue? They address your concerns exactly. It was eye-opening to me to hear about their work in their own words. They also have very good ideas about exactly what sorts of protections they want and what reduces risks. Like most labor movements, I think sex

Look, obviously I enjoy discussing petty things online. Obviously you do too. I’m perfectly capable of admitting this. It seems a little silly of you to act like you don’t (telling me I need to calm down, criticizing me for having a ball, saying I’m overly-bothered, implying that I’m wasting my time, etc). You are

Yes, belittling their accomplishments, and in this case in a way that ALSO attacks her gender. Yes, it is a misogynistic “tone”. Or, as I’ve been saying all along, he said something misogynistic.

I didn’t say it was a waste of my time. I’m having a ball.

The problems I have with a body as a commodity is that it usually correlates with other kinds of inequality- poverty or drug use or cycles of violence, for example. Those are larger societal issues, and misogyny is a contribution to that for sure. But outside of that context, I do not have a problem with people

Yes everything you say is true. Also legalizing AND regulating so that there is more power in the hands of the sex workers themselves will not solve all those problems. However, I believe it will make life better/easier for a huge number of sex workers (and customers- not all of whom are objectifying the sex worker;

I think you do. I agree with you As I said somewhere else, almost all of the issues he identifies as problems are valid issues that need to be addressed. It’s just that there are better conclusions/solutions than the ones he’s suggesting.

I think this is an issue of generation here. A lot of feminists of his generation believed this, and I don’t fault him for listening to the intelligent women of his time. Things have changed with the sexual revolution, and we’ve seen a lot of models of sex work and sexuality come out into the open in a way that was

How do you explain the “I’ve learned to work with real actors and not supermodels” comment in any way that is not misogynistic? You haven’t offered a point of view on this. You keep returning to “there might’ve been a real conflict and Kiera might’ve acted like a jerk” which is fine- no one is disagreeing with that.

What did I say that leads you to believe that I’m not calm? And no one is debating whether or not there might’ve been conflict. Of course there might have. They are saying that a person who says misogynistic things (like he did- you still haven’t regarded that) usually perceives conflict with women when a person who

Yeah but that’s the problem with road rage and vigilante justice. It’s fucking hard to swallow your pride when someone is acting like a jerk, but you are a bigger jerk if you kill them over it. I mean, seriously, the disproportionate response is psychopathic. When I was about 20, I flipped someone off in traffic once

Why are you friends with that person? I don’t get it.

Yes, and misogynistic, which for some reason you seem to want to pass over. Referring to her as a supermodel rather than as an actor is misogynistic. It reduces her experience/talent to being a pretty face/body.

The supermodel comment was clearly misogynistic.

Fine. He can say she is difficult. He can say that she has an entourage. Whatever- we weren’t there. But when he calls her a supermodel, what he’s doing is insulting her professionalism (she is clearly an actress- it’s not like she has no prior career to speak for itself) and insulting it in a particularly

I’ve had a lot of responses to this and the other question, and everyone is saying it is about control and not about sex. I figure that’s true for a lot of guys, but it just seems like a simplification. When you read rapists actually talk about rape, they seem to be talking a lot about how horny they are, not about

Yeah but the edit made it hilarious. Previously, he was filming his wife being born. Now he is filming his wife giving birth to billions of people. I don’t see anything wrong with a live feed of a creator goddess.

I don’t think there is ALWAYS something wrong with a big age difference. It’s more than that. It’s the circumstances of the relationship that make it cliche. The age gap is a huge part of the circumstances, but not the only one. I know nothing about CZJ and Douglass’s lives - maybe their relationship appeared really

The reason it is used instead of “women” here is because it carries the same connotation as “buddy”, as I said. Usually, women use “gal” in a casual context when they wish to express a kindred feeling towards another woman- you know, like an awesome trio of gals who go out to drinks together, look out for other women,

Thanks, I appreciate it!