
Yikes, scary thought.

What in god’s name does him being a good person or not have to do with anything? I think beating his wife makes him a bad person, but again that’s irrelevant since we were not discussing moral character but rather celebrities who we find sexually attractive. And yes, I think that a man who is well-dressed and has a

Mine used to have contests to see who could pee the farthest. But seriously, regarding grown men, my father and uncles used to pee around us (if we were camping or fishing or something) and they’d simply turn around and tell us not to look. Not because we’d see something traumatizing, but rather just because it is one

Thanks so much for saying all of this in such a thoughtful way! I’m sorry it happened, and it absolutely makes sense. In fact, it’s exactly what these stories usually sound like. Assholes- I just can’t imagine what it must take to look at another human and not see her as a human but rather as a body to which you are

That’s true, unfortunately. However, I’d assume that most men who were going to drug rape someone, would rather avoid the whole thing and do it to a stranger and not someone who is a part of their social group / work life / family. But, obviously I am wrong about this since most rape happens in that context. I think

Oh god. Whatever. Unless you are whipping them out and showing them to her, the fact is that she’ll see a man’s back standing at a urinal. If she’s a curious girl (and most children are) she might stare (good time to teach a child not to) and look to see a flacid penis mostly covered by a dude’s hands/pants, peeing

Does Obama even have anything to do with the bathroom thing? I’ve heard several people blaming this on him, but from what I’ve followed of the story, Obama has nothing to do with it at all. This is all state/local stuff.

There was a massive wildfire where I live a few years ago, and likewise, people were allowed to bring their cats and dogs. I think that’s been the norm post-Katrina because so many of those folks would have left early on if they could have. Removing horses was harder, but people came in from all over the state

Goddamn, that sucks and I’m sorry. Yes I leave drinks unattended around guys I trust too. But I’m rarely in a situation like that when there aren’t a lot of other people around who would notice if something were amiss. And, the age I’m at, usually when I’m drinking, it’s in social situations that involve families so

Armchair analysis? On an internet comments section on a story about a celebrity divorce? Say it ain’t so!

It has to be more than that though, right? Given the prevalence of drug rapes and also how it is more common in certain social situations and among certain age groups, it can’t be that all those dudes lack ethics and empathy altogether. I was just saying that hypothetically I could see how a hard-up guy who lacks

Just to be clear, I’m not trying to say she shouldn’t have a restraining order regarding the dog. I’d never heard of such a thing, but other people here describing it just sounds terrible. I can see how an abuser could use your pet to control you. I can’t imagine how terrifying it would be to have my dog in someone

Wow. That’s just terrible. I’m sorry that happened to you, and I’m glad you are protecting yourself AND your dog. I had just never heard of such a thing, but it makes sense when you describe it this way.

That really does surprise me. It surprises me when straight dudes do it, but even more if it’s happening with gay dudes too. I mean, at some point, these guys are making a preference to have a sex with a drugged person for some reason. Why? Because it’s not just the guys that are having a hard time getting laid. So

Right, but if a dog is legally property (and it is) then there are already laws in place that prevent a person from going to someone else’s house (the friend’s or whatever) and stealing a thing (the dog).

Does this sort of shit happen between gay men too? Seems like the increased threat of physical violence in response would prevent it? But yup, you are probably right here- the entitlement and anger when they don’t get it creating a warped value system whereby they think they can do shit like this. So upsetting.

Oh yummy. Thanks for that. Can we make this a spontaneous sexy man pic thread? Because that’s one of my favorite things. Here’s another one:

Wait, I thought that was calculating the answer to the question of the meaning of life?

Nonsense. We are assuming you have LOTS of lube.

BTW, just to be clear, “party girl” is not a criticism. Nothing at all wrong with being a party girl. The foolishness was being a party girl who marries the dude with whom she’s having what is obviously a passionate fun-time fling and not ever gonna be even remotely close to a life-long intimate partnership.