
I covet my neighbor’s husband all the time. But not my neighbor’s wife. So now I don’t know if I don’t feel bad about it because my neighbor’s husband is just so damn hot and covetable or if because I've gotten out of the sin on a technicality.

Also, obviously abortion mentally distresses some women. Regardless of their religion or lack thereof, abortion is upsetting to many women. What this fact has to do with anything is beyond me. Root canals are upsetting too. Taking your baby to get vaccinated is upsetting. Cervical biopsies are upsetting. Getting your

I know what you mean. Still, it’s really ... depressing? insane? terrifying?... that it’s a noticeably uncommon sign of humanity to show genuine empathy when someone you have worked with for decades buries his young son. I mean, surely all that Graham has done here is maintain the bare minimum that is required for one

OK- and I associate his name with that era as well. However, Graham voted AGAINST the impeachment.

I don't have a stake in the who's-a-radical game here, but I can name a few things off-hand that make Cruz more frightening than Graham. Cruz wants to abolish huge segments of the federal government (including the Dept of Ed, Dept of Housing, IRS, Dept of Energy, Dept of Commerce etc- some 25+ more with no plan for

Thanks for that article btw. I've never done coke myself (I'm naturally a bit on the manic side so it's never seemed appealing) but most people I know have done it casually off and on. It's a simple way to consider it, but it's not something I'd really thought about before. I wonder if there is a way to bring this up

Houston has one of the highest known concentration of Zetas members in the US right now (if not the highest). They killed a cop last year, and very recently another cop was found to be connected to the cartel. So it's infiltrated Houston in a big way. Zeta violent crime has been a big thing in Houston for the past

Now I'm confused. The body was found in Walker County which is north of Conroe. The truck was found in Conroe. Waller County is just west of Katy. Yes, the drug-related crime in Houston has been expanding from the southeast area north, and Katy (northwest) has been seeing a rise in crime for the past decade and a

Or both. The murderers could be narcos (must be some organized violent thugs) while the family was perfectly innocent but they went after the girl.

Yes, it's a really horrible situation. We have refugees here from El Salvador and Guatemala who are teenagers, and they just have terrible stories about their parents not letting them go to school because the violence in the streets got so terrible that it was dangerous to walk. Villages are emptying out as people

I don't know. This doesn't sound like that to me, but we'll see I suppose. Surely if it were that, they wouldn't have taken the trouble to transport the father to another county and burn his body in a field? They didn't say where the girl was found.

Wow, well if that is true, then that's really fascinating. It's like we are seeing Fox implode as the country moves on ahead of them. But I don't know. Surely there are still loads of people who are only interested in angry hate speech or else Trump would have such popular rallies.

Would she have him? I can't imagine that he'd be a good guest. Moreover, any attention at all is good for him. She may not want to give him any moore air time.

Look I know what you are saying, and of course we don’t know for sure. But the fact that it was an abduction and execution with a hidden and burned body does sound like narcotics-related crime. And Katy is not near the border at all, but Houston is a violent place and drug-related crimes have been increasing there.

Yes, vicious people don’t leave kids or families out of it, and they have no mercy. Movies that want to glorify gangs or mafia or cartels make it seem that there is some sort of honor involved so that we (as viewers) can see them in a romantic way. I was reading the blog recently of a girl who was kept as a sex worker

If he'd just been shot in Katy, I don't think anyone would have assumed that. But he was abducted in Katy (maybe shot before abduction, we don't know) and then he (or his body) was brought to a rural area about an hour and a half out of Katy and burned in a field. Plus his daughter was missing for a day or so. And the

It’s not racist. Mexico is at war with the cartels, and yes this has spread into the Houston area. Likewise it was an abduction and execution that involved burning the body of a man who is either living some of the time in Mexico himself or certainly has family that does. It’s very likely this was narcotics related.

Oh shit, that’s heartbreaking. The poor girl, and her poor family. What monsters kill children who have nothing to do with anything? My heart breaks for her mom.

lol- sorry that happened. Growing up is tough. I rarely tell elementary aged children they can’t go. Usually kids that age don’t want to get out of class, so it’s a matter of helping them learn to train themselves. Which is why I asked the child in my anecdote whether or not she could hold it until the end of the

Don't know. Conroe is straight north of Houston, but not as far as Walker where the body was found. The video of the suspect and the truck were in Conroe, so likely on his way back from whatever Walker Country rural area this all happened in. Katy is northwest Houston. This article just says they went missing in Katy