
The original Oz is pretty damn scary itself. Those flying monkeys and that tornado and the scene where she’s locked in the room with the hourglass and the images of her crying Auntie Em... egads!

I was asking a question about her use of the term “African American” simply because it is something I’ve heard recently regarding other European actors. She’s talking about actors here, and right now, maybe a quarter of actors in the US are not American and I wouldn’t think of the Academy Awards (despite being an

I agree about there being a difference between intentions and what comes out of your mouth, but her explanation just confirmed her bias.

I wasn’t trying to split hairs actually- I am honestly curious if this is a phrase that is catching on among Europeans. I’ve heard it a couple times recently and I just wondered about it.

Man, I miss Bowie, but I really miss Jim Henson too. That cat was waaaayyy cooler and smarter than other adults gave him credit to be. I think he was allowed to sneak all sorts of wonderful stuff into his creative work because adults who might disapprove couldn’t see past the puppets.

Exactly. I watched Goonies with some friends recently who were screening movies they loved as kids to see if they would show them to THEIR kids. We were really surprised how inappropriate it seemed these days for children. I think we've taken all the danger, potty humor and risk out of children's stories, and I don't

Yes I was thinking just that. These days, a child's movie is not allowed to be really scary, nor would the sexual dynamic be allowed, plus they would not allow the protagonist to have just conflicted feelings about such an ambiguous villain. It works not just because it's scary and the stakes are high, but because you

I agree that I'd love to see something like with either of those women, but why not something entirely new like that? Why a remake?

lol I was going to respond with something just like this. You certainly didn't need to be gay to appreciate that bulge.

But she didn't have to bring up a comparison at all. She could've just pointed out that it's a white man's club and that there is a lack of diversity. If she had wanted to be more specific, then her original statement could've pointed out that it's difficult for women and people of color. I don't think anyone would've

A) She’s a talented and beautiful French actress who acts in several interesting movies.

Well, I think it’s problematic for her to say something like that for the obvious reason that she has no idea what it means to be black. Shirley Chisholm, as a black woman, can speak of the experience of a black woman. Julie Delpy cannot. Also, the bigger issue is that she seems to think there are women, then there

Yes, it shows that he has been out of touch but that also he's able to learn something new and then advocate when he discovers an (albeit long term) injustice. I wouldn't hold him up as an icon for feminism or anything, but it is an accurate and helpful statement.

Is it a common thing to hear Europeans refer to black people as African American these days? I heard an actor say “African American” about John Boyega (Finn from Star Wars) recently as well. Or is she talking specifically about Americans and the Academy when she says "this business"? I dunno. Either way, it seems that

And I just realized how old this post is, ha ha. Why is this on my front page?

No way. Really preppy post-college urban types without a bit of interest in anything edgey were not at all listening to grunge at that time, other than just some stuff on the radio. They were listening to poppy, watered down post-grunge stuff like Hootie. The only character in that cast who would listen to anything

Most Republicans are not overtly angry white men. And even the ones who are angry white men mostly do not see themselves that way. They are angry and feel threatened, but they can’t step outside of themselves and see why. So I don’t think that most of them have any problem at all with a conservative candidate of color

Yeah, but it seems that the crazies would vote for Rubio if he's their only option other than Hilary. Whereas the non-crazies, like your mom, may not vote for Trump even if he's their only option other than Hilary. They may choose to not vote at all, but I doubt most would vote Trump. Right? (That's the sound of me

Rubio, I think. He might select Jeb as a running mate, or go the other way and select someone farther right to try to appeal to the far right base again.

Yeah, I agree with all that. The scary thing isn’t that Trump might win (he won’t) but that this experience has shown that someone can go on TV and say this sort of crap and get huge numbers of people to rally behind you and pay you for it. He's normalized hostility and racism.