
Ha ha. I hope you aren't upset about this. It's hard to tell tone over text. But we are seriously miscommunicating to the point that it's amusing. I just can't go in circles with it anymore.

Oh yes. I am that generation. I grew up with loads of people who had names bestowed by hippie parents. lol Some of my classmates in elementary: Fern, Karma, Rainbow, Sunny. Ha ha. But that's what's funny about names. I'm sure all the adults in their life could tell EXACTLY what their names came from, but in the case

First off, when did anyone argue that people should be judged by their names? Or when did I say I judge anyone by their names?

Well it’s a big thread, so I can’t expect that you have read it all, but as I have already responded in another post, I wrote the wrong thing there. There are loads of reasons a person might be a single mom, and you could be a single mom from all walks of life and at different periods in your life. I didn’t even

Racial bias is a real thing. It is also not my fault. It is also not even a unique idea that a person’s ethnicity is frequently revealed by their name. Also I’m not suggesting that a person might want to avoid revealing ethnicity by name. I have a name that reveals my ethnicity. It has never caused me any problems

That was something I tried to point when I mentioned how, if this is my experience, it is surely also the experience of people who look at resumes. I'm not trying to argue if something SHOULD BE this way or not or whether or not it's even how people are judged. Only that it is something that will get noticed. Just

There isn’t any point in going in circles on this regarding what “canon” means. This is the point of our misunderstanding, but somehow I'm not able to articulate it in a way that you understand. If there is a canon regarding what can/does happen in a fictional universe, please explain who determines that canon? If

Oh well. The two of you can go together down to the concern police station and file a complaint. They can fire me from my very low paying substitute teaching job and replace me with a fresh eyed non-judgmental person who has no idea about naming trends and has not been around a wide range of demographics. Then, after

Yes, but that is when you assume something about one individual in isolation. If I get a roster of 20 kids and 15 of the names are Hispanic, then the chances that they are a bunch of Asian Jews who just happen to have Hispanic names is just astronomical. It has never happened- not even once- in all the schools I've

Ah take your concern to the concern police. It’s a totally normal human observation that when you see a roster full of Madisons and Evans and Gavins, you are likely (not always but likely) going to get a middle class group of kids, usually white. When you get a roster full of Antonios and Matiases and Joses, you are

No, I think the idea of an extended universe from any story having a canon in the first place is absurd. It’s not that I disagree what is canon and what is not. I just think it is a ridiculous concept that totally misses the point of a larger mythology. Canon according to whom? The original author, who usually does

While I agree with all that, I also don't care a bit about what Rowling or anyone else says is "canon". It's a totally new story in a totally new format that is not a continuation of the books. When people in the future sit down to read the Harry Potter series, they are not going to purchase all the books PLUS this

Matias is one of those that depend on the place you live. If you are in an area in which the name is common enough that everyone can pronounce it, then it’s a lovely name still in English. There are no sounds in that name that aren’t already in English, and it’s spelled like it sounds. It becomes matt-Tee-iss which is

Though you seem fabulous too and I didn't mean to dismiss your fabulousness! I'm sure in real life we'd be awesomely snarky together.

That's probably the main difference between us then. I don't have any real friends on here. I'm not here to make friends or real connections. I'm here to escape from all that and pass the time. My real life is full of real friendships and also real people doing incredibly stupid things. For me, this is like watching

It could be also that there isn't really a backlash- just a few comments here and there. It's like the whole "there's a black storm trooper" thing. Was anyone REALLY outraged about it? Or was it just a very small handful of people making mundane to wrong-headed comments? Likewise with the "all the teenage fangirls are

Well I don't try to be condescending. If I come across that way, it's unintentional. I'm way too easily amused to be intentionally condescending. It's all about the escapist distraction anyway.

lol, well thanks for that, but also I’m being an insufferable pedant. I get my kicks that way apparently.

It's a lovely name, especially with a Spanish accent. I like it for the same reason that I like Andres. Something about those s-ending traditional Spanish names.

Die on the hill because I made a post about it online? Well OK. I guess you’ve never seen a real fight?