
Yes. We all make mistakes, especially when typing or texting. BUT, most of us, if we are apologizing in a public forum for making an internationally noticed mistake that embarrassed several people, we’d double check to make sure we didn’t make another embarrassing internationally noticed public mistake.

lol yes, but his "don't hold it against the ladies" comment stank. As if anyone was holding anything against the ladies. How chivalrous of him to think of protecting the ladies in HIS glorious moment of fuckery.

Care box contents in Prez Hilary's situation room: tweezers, ice box, lipstick, Bill's balls.

I bet there is in the Russian situation room. You know Putin isn't making major decisions without vodka. Or brass knuckles.

Hot flashes then. What happens when she's right in the middle of an important meeting with Putin and she has to leave the room to stick her head in the freezer?

My grandma always sat with us at the kiddie table. She said the conversation was better. It was magical.

If she's Luke's daughter, we don't know who her mother is yet. So her mother could be a Kenobi. If they wanted the two lines to converge, which would also explain her strength in the force.

Doesn't mater. She'd probably be PMSing when that happens and then just launch a nuke on them. Hysterical!

Ha ha. Don't shout. What happened is that they came back from commercial break and her podium was empty. A short time later, she returned. Naturally people wondered why

I have one. It's fantastic. I can work in the veg garden and take a pee break without having to go back in the house (which requires removing muddy boots).

Nice. Thanks.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. All the other issues are nuanced and can be worked through and used as a platform to discover new things or have different experiences. It’s just about whether or not the essence of the person changes. Take religion- if my husband decided to become a fundamentalist Mormon, that

This is a very good post. Thank you.

I agree with your first two paragraphs. I totally disagree with your conclusion. I think that there is a case to be made that this boy should be released because changing the law would have far-reaching implications that could seriously screw up the lives of other minors in the legal system. But then the conclusion

It wouldn't have to be on the fly. They've had three years to work on it. This is how laws evolve. You create a legal code that works for the society you have. As that society changes or new needs arise, you amend it.

It was one girl. The other victim was her friend, a boy. I do not believe he was raped, but he was severely beaten and had his limbs broken. He survived the attack.

Yup you are right. It was written incorrectly.

You have misread. I'm sure others will point it out. He was almost 18 at the time and 20 now. But even if he were 14, I do not believe there is any hope for someone like that. A 14 year old perhaps could be manipulated and brainwashed by someone much older to do something like this (think, child soldiers) but that is

I don’t know that this is a fair criticism. For one thing, this attack really shook up the country and has been a huge part of the momentum for cultural change/ awareness. Also, the others were given the death penalty which almost never happens in India. I think they are honestly dealing with juvenile laws that need

Was that her real name though? Just curious. I thought they didn't realize her name and Jyoti is what the media called her.