
It’s been a little over a year for me since I lost my bf of 20 years. What happens is it never gets better (at least not yet) but it DOES get to the point that it’s not horrible all the time. It’s like you make a place for it, and it’s always there inside you, and it feels the same when you look at it- especially

That's lovely. I'm glad that she left one place up to her son. That allows him to select somewhere special that he knows he'll visit in the future. Sounds like she passed away with real grace. Sorry for your loss. My best friend died recently as well, and it's like having part of my body amputated.

I have recently had to help plan a funeral for someone who died young, unexpectedly. The article is correct. We are so far removed from death these days that people really don’t know how impossible the emotions are to deal with when someone dies young. It steamrolls you for months. So here is what I learned from it.

Yeah, sometimes the combo of a kid being distant and a parent not wanting to know means you have a complete other life that your folks know nothing about. I was there.

If that's really what happened, that's Draconian. I'm sorry it happened to you, but let's not wish crap like that on others. Drug laws are stupid no matter who they are applied to.

Yes, that's true too. I think she's allowed some hyperbole, but you are right too. She's a small time dealer to her buddies.

OK, so mugshots are funny a lot of times, and I admit that this one is kinda funny to me in a sad way (the only way mugshots are funny come to think of it so prolly I'm a terrible person). But of course the truth is that when a young blondish white girl acts like a thug, it's considered cute and adorable. Then when it

Now, that's a big job! I've been re-evaluating my life to see what I want for decades! It's all in the journey, right? Best of luck to you.

Wife, love! Ah, shucks, thanks. And I can be and have been and will be again, though the last few months I’ve been in a real funk. But this conversation has risen me spirits! I hope you have a holiday full of pretty people!

Ok so I admit it- I'm not trying to talk my dude just into gawking. He certainly doesn't seem to mind when I check out dudes anyway. It would be fun to sit around with my dude and gawk at other guys, but that's not the end of where I'm going with this. ha ha.

Yeah, well I don't think he can help it. I mean, I'm just really not into girls at all, and while I can look and see objectively that they are pretty, I just have no attraction to the female form. But a good looking dude, yes. And two good looking dudes, the more the merrier. He's not having it, though, and some

Ha ha! I don't think it matters unless you are frustrated in your attempts to attract attention. There's just the little profile pic of your face to go on, but you seem plenty hot to me (and I mean that in a non-creepy way, gal, you're pretty) so if you aren't worried about not attracting attention, then just keep on

I don't mind t-shirts and jeans or shorts (Central Texas here, really hot) and I don't mind the cowboy look. Professional, also nice. Plus snappy dressers, good too. Middle aged men tend to dress decently around here. Hipster look is a turn-off. Bro look- I always think of the basketball shorts / baseball cap thing,

Oh yea. Relentlessly, until he finally told me that he just isn't made that way and that it was getting annoying that I wouldn't leave him alone about it. Whatever, we can't have it all. Glad you found the right ladies to give you the OK.

Do both of what? Stare and check out? I dunno. I think staring at someone with a vacant or neutral look is not the same as checking them out. I'm trying to bring before my mind the image of this super hot guy at the pub two nights ago and see if I can make my "check out" face- and I think it's slightly raised

I agree with a lot of things people are saying here, but I can’t relate to the not finding most men attractive thing. MOST men, OK- most people are average (hence the most)- but I really can’t imagine being in a crowded place full of adult men and not finding a ton of them attractive. Seems this is a common experience

Totally down with your last two paragraphs. Right on.

I should have been more direct in my question. You stare at people. What do you do when they make eye contact with you? Do you look away? Do you continue to stare? Do you smile?

Really? I’m not ugly, but I’m no great looker either. Or, I’m one of those plain women who can dress up OK but otherwise goes unnoticed. What do you mean, exactly? Excuse me for being detailed about it, but are you talking about a quick glance and that’s all? Because the article is about obviously checking people out.

This just makes me want to watch those movies again. I LOVED them when they came out. As a child, I had the record of all the songs from The Muppet Movie. It was one of my all-time faves. I haven't thought about it much since, but I bet it would be great to revisit as an adult.