
lol, that’s whole nother conversation!

Well I think if you like it, do it even if it does hurt the knees. Seriously, my main hobby involves carrying heavy backpacks up high altitude mountains, and let me tell you, it hurts the knees. I still do it.

See, this is what I meant by going in circles. I read that post. Yes, a 12 year old can want to have sex with an adult. It happens a good bit in certain high-risk populations. The fact that it doesn’t happen with healthy average 12 year olds is irrelevant to the fact that it does happen a good bit in certain high risk

No, I agree with you on all those points, generally. But I’m responding to an article about someone for whom it’s not working. And I think the experience of people being out of shape, then telling themselves they are going to make themselves work out doing something they hate and that is (in their case) hard on their

I don’t want to act like this is an all or nothing thing. I’m sure there are individual differences. Also, running and going to the gym aren’t opposites- I do my core workout in my bedroom and then walk around my neighborhood. I only go to the gym when I’m training.

We’re going to talk in circles now. No one was speculating about the girl and no one has dispute the fact that she was raped. We were responding to the news story and video because it is relevant to the cop’s statement. It's not speculation- it's written clearly that she goes off with the guy and makes out with him in


But we aren't talking about the average or the majority. We are talking about this particular child.

NYC isn't any harder to navigate than most giant cities around the world. The subway and train systems actually makes it a little easier than several of them which have less accessible public transport. It's easier to get around NYC than LA even. But if you have no experience with cities, then yes, any large city

I've never heard of barre. I do front, back and side planks- two sets of one minute each, plus pushups and wall sits. The whole work out takes about twenty minutes. When I started, I only did ten and saw results within a couple weeks. I googled barre and see it has something to do with ballet. Those dancers are STRONG!

A shitstorm of circumstances can befall any of us, and it’s a good reminder for me not to be cocky. But look at the situation we are describing now. He loses his friends in a crowd. He loses his map. He loses his hotel key. He DOES have money, but his cell phone goes dead. AND he has forgotten the name of his hotel.

Well I was talking about what is sometimes called “guy pushups” but I think you are spot-on about the process of teaching your muscles what to do. In my case, I could do what is called “girl” pushups because we were allowed to do that in gym class and that’s the way I learned. I actually have a bit of an issue with

Walking briskly DOES raise your heart rate, and absolutely I’m not out of shape. I just walk fast. It doesn’t raise your heart rate as much as running, but I don’t know that this is necessary for people who aren’t training for an athletic pursuit. If your heart rate does not rise from brisk walking, you need to step

Yes exactly. I walk the dog around my neighborhood every night about three miles. We walk briskly, sometimes with friends, we enjoy it. Sometimes we walk to the pub and drink beer then walk back. I’ve been doing this every single day (the dog walk, not the beer drink) for nearly 20 years with two different dogs. Also,

Ha ha! Well I was trying to be generous. It took me weeks before I could do my first one. What I did was try, every single morning with PROPER FORM which is the hardest part, even though in the beginning it felt like I could barely move (and at first I couldn’t move at all). The point is to put the strain on the

If he does have a mental disability, that explains everything much more clearly.

Everyone is different. Working out at the gym is great for sculpting and strength building. I don't know that it helps to lose weight. But watching what you eat and being physically active in general DOES help lose weight. There is a difference between working out (which is a short period of intense energy) and being

I know this isn’t exactly the point of the article, but... Don’t do crunches and sit ups, people. It takes up a lot of time to do enough sets of them to see any results, and even if you do, the results won’t be dramatic. Do planks and proper push ups instead. It takes half the time and half the motivation, though

Sexual agency might be a specific term that I’m misunderstanding. I’d say that they don’t lack agency if you mean that they lack the ability to direct their sexuality. To me, it seems that this is exactly what healthy children do when they talk about it or think about it and then kiss other healthy children, “go with”

Yup, that could be true too. If he has complete inexperience with cities altogether, then what seems like common sense to me might never have even occurred to him.