
Hmm... I don’t think I mentioned the arrest either? I responded entirely to your disbelief that no one would have said anything in the 80s. Home Alone is not an accurate representation of childhood reality in the 80s. Yes, in 1985, if someone had seen a child grocery shopping alone, they probably would have commented

No, at age six. In line of vision in a food court, 5 even while you go get your food. 4 even if the kid is super mature.

Uh no. I mean, anecdotal evidence is what it is and maybe where you grew up things were that way. Where I grew up, it was a totally normal thing for me to be left in the care of my elder brother in public even when I was quite young and no one batted an eye at it. Calling the cops? No way in hell. What maybe would

No, I don’t think anyone would have said anything unless they were causing trouble. Moreover, in most countries in the world today, no one would say anything. The fact that this is hard to believe is indicative of just how weird things have gotten. A six year old is not a baby. In the 80s (that recently!) they walked

90 feet (30 yards) is like the distance between first base and the home plate. Children that age are often farther away from you than that in your own home.

In reality, this would be a HORRIBLE business model. I agree that childcare is a serious concern and that it is in society’s best interest to address it, but this idea would never work with enough consistency to make the business a success. Moreover, how would you guard against parents who have absolutely no intention

Yup. My mom used to meet with friends for dinner at a restaurant in the mall. Gave me a wad of dollars that I used to play at the arcade on the OTHER SIDE OF THE MALL. It was full of unsupervised kids. Not at 2 or 6, but certainly by 8.

Thanks! That makes a lot more sense! Yes tiger sharks can be aggressive and they kill a handful of people each decade in the US alone. Killing six in a similar area in such a short stretch of time is extreme and I understand why they’d take measures to try to protect swimmers! I was surprised/confused because I

Where do you live? One tiger shark killed a bunch of people on the same beach? Sounds like a horror movie. Are you in the US? Hawaii? Or several tiger sharks over several beaches? Just curious.

I don’t know how you’d set something like that up in an ocean. Is this something people do? I mean, roping off a small area for swimming is one thing, but surfing requires a really big space. And if so, how do they prevent injury/death to like every other sea animal that might be in the ocean?

Well, I’m not pretending I don’t have a dark side that’s really dark. That’s what vengeance is. Then I check it, and think, I’m being no better than... But I am better, so give him a heart attack in his sleep. Your post, though, said nothing about his kids. It said it’s time for him to live a nice retired life in the

Why should he get a nice retired life in the country? The dark side of me wants him to end up in a state-run institution, paralyzed with no one who loves him, at the mercy of several dozen really horny, violent and unethical male nurses. For a decade or so. The light side of me just wishes he’d have a fatal heart

When you’re an entitled misogynistic psychopath and a woman makes eye contact with you.

Is that a real term? That’s terrible. Like, it’s your own body betraying you rather than the piece of shit that’s raping you?

Yes, it seems that way. Especially if the public moralism is accompanied by a holier-than-thou sort of attitude (like, I have it all figured out, why don’t you?). There are publicly moral people who seem to be the real shit, and they usually aren’t judgey which is how I think you can tell them apart. Maybe?

Yes, that was the creepiest part to me.

Very interesting. Thanks.

I am enthusiastic about my dog CHASING rabbits and squirrels, but I know she can never catch one. I think it would disturb me to see her kill one, though in truth I doubt she'd know what to do if she ever did catch one. Just saying that the queen might not be keen on the death of rabbits, just the chase.

Also the whole reason I brought it up was an older post on Jez about this very phenomenon which was mostly about suit-wearing skateboarders going to work this way, which is something I don’t see here.

I didn’t say a thing about khakis or button downs. I’m in a small town in rural Central Texas, so hipsters are few and far between as well. Basically everyone here wear shorts and t-shirts when they aren’t at work. I also have no idea what sort of careers these guys have. Nor did a mention a golden retriever. While