
Well please note that she never said that the rape didn’t happen. She said that she was not aware of a rape, watching a rape, or snickering about a rape. That doesn’t mean that she didn’t misinterpret what she saw or that the victim didn’t misinterpret Joan’s response. Etc. What she is denying is witnessing and

Because when someone accuses you of something untrue, it stings. When someone accuses you of something untrue that is also something that is personally repulsive to you, it alternately hurts and makes you angry and makes you want to defend yourself. Seriously, I don’t know what’s hard about this.

Let’s not take things out of context. The sentence before that is “if I were guilty I would admit it” and she continues to explain why. If she were guilty, she would not hide it since she could give a reasonable excuse and account of her actions at that time. She’s saying there is no reason for her to try to cover a

And how is it very young to ask you what you like about someone you obviously REALLY like? When I’m a fan of someone’s work, I can gush about what I love about it.

LOL all around. I don’t know what the model thing was about. Did I imply I thought she was a model or are you implying that the other women on the panel are not proper actresses but models instead? I haven’t heard of two of them. I rather like Coleman. I like Bates just fine. I think she’s talented, has had a long

Really? I’m like double the age of Jenna Coleman, who I think is older already than the other two. And even still, I don’t know what’s so amazing about Kathy Bates. I mean, I think she’s a good actress who has been in several pretty good movies. But a goddess or living legend? Why? Not meant in a snarky way here, just

Ooooh. That’s really disturbing. Thanks, I didn’t know about that at all.

I’m no Allen expert by any means, so if he’s a child molester then I take that all back. But I thought those were just accusations that Farrow made in the divorce and not something for which there is any evidence or precedent. People say really terrible things about one another in messy divorces, and boy did she have

Yup, especially for people who aren’t actually his personal friends. Like, I get that his kids maybe can’t wrap their brains around it and will believe instead that there is a vast conspiracy out to get their dad. But Whoopi? And she’s a woman, even! With one or two accusers, OK, but months and months of them- most of

Well see, that is an excellent example of the point I’m trying to make. That’s not even a Beatles lyric. It’s a Lennon song with that particular lyric taken from an Elvis song that was written by another musician over a decade before. It’s a blues based song and, like most blues songs, full of misogynistic attitudes.

Did they? I’ve heard that on here before, but nowhere else except about Lennon who was a complete mess. I didn’t hear that he beat the living shit out of women, but yes I’d heard that he slapped his first wife around when he was younger. I’ve never heard that accusation about any of the others, but I’m not at all an

Uh, I think you misread. Maybe it’s my fault as I wrote a lot. I don’t care a flip about researching an artist or about academics. I was saying that I can see how an artist’s personal life and psychological makeup MIGHT BE interesting to someone in an academic sense (it’s the sort of thing people DO make careers


His elevation happened because no one knew about it. I think people are just having trouble coming to terms with what happened because it seems so contrary to everything we knew about him until recently. Also, to be fair, he has not had a trial or plead guilty, so it could be that some people really don’t believe it-

It’s beautiful. Its use at your wedding depends ENTIRELY on what your guests are likely to be like. Clumsy? Lots of kids? Wild party?

Oh and one more thing. If Cosby had made a show or made standup about rape, then your question about Nabokov being a pedophile or Rushdie being an antisemite would hold true. It would be really weird if Nabokov were a serial pedophile and then wrote a book about a pedophile, and yes I would agree then that it would

Well I disagree with that all across the board, including that artists are somehow considered special in this way. I don’t care that my plumber has been to prison for murder (he has BTW). I wouldn’t want to have a friendship with him or trust him alone in my house (Cosby neither) but when I found out he’d been to

I wholly disagree with that. I disagree with it in both directions too. Plenty of very upstanding and ethical artists create works that explore really dark aspects of human nature. Nabokov, for example, Rushdie, etc. Once you start mixing up the artist’s personal life with your evaluation of their work, it muddles

I don’t see why the two must be mutually exclusive. I’m not hip on the legal aspect though. Are you saying there is no way to air the re-runs without him receiving a profit from them? If that is the case, then I understand why they’d pull the show. Can’t they go after him in civil court though? And I don’t understand

Well, hold on. Polanski and Allen are both brilliant directors. I can see why people want to work with them for professional reasons. With Polanski though, dude should be in prison! And there really is no moral justification for working with him. The celebs should think, “man it would be cool to work with a director