
But you don’t know the details of the groom’s side kiddos. It could be that they mostly want a kid-free event but that there are some very close friends/family members whose kids they want to be involved. I understand this. There are several kids in my life who I’m very close to, and I’d want them present at an event.

Geesh, sounds exhausting. There is an easy solution. Call up the bride and/or groom and ask them if your kids are invited. Do whatever they say. If you do not feel comfortable enough to ask the bride and/or groom this question, then you aren’t very close to them and can probably find some excuse to get out of

OK so those are probably their prison dresses, but was it a normal thing back then to allow prisoners, especially those accused of really violent mad crimes, to walk around like that at the court house? Socializing and not in hand cuffs? I’ve seen this picture my whole life, and it strikes me as really weird. Also,

The dude promoting this is a douche. I’m talking about all the other middle aged dudes on skateboards. It’s not like they elected him their spokesman.

US infant mortality is higher than in other industrialized nations, yes. But when you break it down by demographics and also complications, it’s more understandable- the US has social problems that other developed countries don’t have as well. I’m not justifying here, I’m just pointing out that it’s not necessarily

I didn’t say I don’t give a shit about them. I said that I would never in a million years be able to raise a child on the severe end of the autism spectrum. I have a pretty good sense of my own graces and limitations, and I have a very good sense of what sort of care a severely autistic child requires. My response is

I’m not telling you to shut the fuck up. You can talk all you want. Are you telling me not to respond? I don’t know how many people have worked with autistic kids. I can tell you this: where I worked, every single child needed constant 24/7 one on one care, and every 10 caregivers were under the supervision of one

Nonsense. I have asthma. There have been times in my life when it was really debilitating, but for the most part, it causes me some minor inconvenience and some planning ahead. I would not therefore assume my experience with asthma is the same as everyone else’s or that there is a point that it affects quality of life

I really feel that way lately, though I think it is just a phase while I get my shit straight. Though instead I’m just wasting a lot of time. One thing about having to be accountable to other people, even to assholes, is that it keeps you on a certain schedule. Good luck, and I’m glad things are working out for you.

No, I’m not going to feel bad about that and I’m not going to pretend it is about hating autistic people. I worked in a school for autistic kids- severe ones, the ones that can’t go to regular public school, not even in a regular public school SpEd program. And it is a terrible horrible painful heartbreaking

HOLD ON. There is no bill that says you must vaccinate your children, right? There is a bill that says if you don’t, you can’t send your kids to public school. There is a big difference between the two.

Here’s hoping that this sort of isolation is by choice or that you at least are OK with it. I’m trying to isolate myself more right now. I’ve basically told everyone I just want to be mostly left alone for a few months, and yeah, disconnect from social media. Obviously, it’s impossible to do with family and close

Well sorry then. Someone did. It’s easy to lose track of who said what in these discussions.

Of course. Well depending on the circumstance, but usually. That is very different from trying to portray a particular fashion or fashion-based identity, though.

I’m envious of that. I’ve had periods of time when I did not own a car, and it was lovely. Impossible where I currently live though.

I know this is your conversation with someone else, but I want to add that the clothing being the way you (not you in particular) announce “this is who I am” to the world- I think that is flawed in the first place. Again, just my opinion, but this is what I meant by there being a deeper solution to the problem of body

To be fair, I think the focus on being thin, especially Kate Moss thin, is a dangerous thing. I agree with you there. But the alternative to that isn’t average. Also, cultures are going to generate their own images of beauty- it changes over time. I think the fashion industry plays a huge role in that, but also pop

Well I can tell you that when I was dating, I was pretty ruthless with the ghosting and I really never felt bad about it. I dated a lot. I had a load of fun when I was young. And I was always honest so I don’t think I owed anyone anything else. I had one fellow that called me for two weeks and I never returned his

Look maybe I’m just not understanding how your ideas play out in a practical way. I mean, what I’m saying is that there are really two kinds of consumers. The first goes to a clothing department because they have a particular need. Like, when my jeans get a hole in them, I go and buy a pair of jeans. The second goes

BTW, this is personal preference, but I tend to think there is something wrong with someone who buys 3000 dollar clothing items. Like, you seriously can’t think of something more interesting to do with that sort of money? I get that most of us need a couple nice expensive outfits for certain major nice events. I own