
I’m not sure, but I think she’s saying that the idea she needs to revise is that women are somehow more troubled and therefore more willing to accept her whereas in truth, women and men are both troubled (1) and being troubled has nothing to do with someone accepting her (2).

I mean, his parents named him Dylan Storm. They could be a bunch of hippies for all we know.

Most likely, that is the case. But to be fair, until we get information that says it is so, I don’t think it’s right to blame his family. Loads of kids go in crazy directions that have nothing to do with their parents. Like those idiots who run off to join ISIS. In some cases, their parents are on the fringes of

To be clear, I’m not saying this is what ALL people who struggle with mental illness do. For one thing, not all mentally ill people are deficient or have failures. For another, many whose mental illness cause them to have failures are perfectly well aware of their problems and do not attribute blame to others. And

I don’t know. He chose that church. He did it today. I doubt it was random, but we won’t know for a while yet.

I think mentally ill people pretty frequently create narratives in their heads that blame others (or entire groups) for their own deficiencies and failures.

Yea, have a friend who didn’t know until she was almost 5 mo also. Then she delivered a month and a half early. We always tease her that she was only pregnant for about 2 months. She’s super thin and athletic also. She really grew during those months in the boobs and belly, but otherwise gained no weight. When she

Yup, same here. I’ve had trouble getting access to YouTube. Seriously. But yes, I bet there is some explanation like that for what has happened since really the story is one student’s experience vs the entire district policy. So either the student is wrong, the school itself isn’t compliant, or the district is not

Yes, I received excellent sex ed in Houston public schools in the early 90s including information about contraception, abortion, STDs, etc. I don’t know when this all started or how prevalent it is. I haven’t lived in Houston in a long time, but last I heard, the districts were moving away from abstinence only and

The point of the policy is that it allows teenage students and staff to access information that is both for and against abortion. There are pregnant people who do not want to become parents who also want to avoid abortion. There are also non-pregnant people who want avoid ever being in that situation. Let’s not split

People often don’t know what they are talking about when they describe Texas as a “conservative” state. You realize how huge and diverse it is? Some legislation passed in the state does not necessarily reflect policies and opinions of the whole state. There are plenty of legitimate arguments that the US is a

I mean, I eat ice cream like that sometimes and look at my husband and wonder- at that moment, which do I really love more? The husband usually wins, but there is a moment when I’m not entirely sure. Maybe this woman feels that way about yogurt?

I’d argue with that person if he/she said anything. But I can’t argue with “yeah, no” or “dumbass”.

Yea but weird how she keeps licking her spoon and finger and looking at her wife like that. I wonder if she really wishes she’d married the yogurt.

They aren’t thinking of their moral responsibilities. That’s not how marketing is done. They simply want to draw attention (check: a fringe group is offended, we are all discussing it) and appeal to as many potential customers as possible (check: lesbians, straight women, straight men, people who wish to linger in bed

Whoa. What did you say? I would have just sat there stunned with my mouth open, then realized slowly that she wasn’t joking, then laughed hysterically, then realized she was a class room mom raising future adults and felt the urge to self-soothe with alcohol. But I guess it’s a lesson for your child. They are going to

Yes I wondered about that too. Odd given the context.

Is there a thing like back hugging?

BS. There are plenty of people who complain about the sexualization of women to sell products- and usually it’s straight women in the ads. Just because these are lesbian women doesn’t change that. I can be offended by the ad because of the sexualization without being offended by the fact that they are two married

I think probably they were going for a few different target audiences: lesbians will like it because it’s a loving couple. Straight women will like it (except for these million moms) because hey girl power. Men will like it because they get to see a hot gal get a sheet pulled off of her and now she’s left naked in bed.