
I actually think it is criminal to lie about having sex outside of a monogamous relationship. There is no way that a judicial system could legislate this sort of thing, and the investigations to determine if this sort of crime has been committed would be intrusive enough that I don’t think such a law should ever be

Yes, all very good points. I think studies and articles tend to put pricetags on things because money is one of the few measures of worth that almost everyone understands. I think it is just an attempt to draw an analogy, but I agree it is poorly done for precisely that reason.

I type fast and I’ve been basically in bed sick for a week and have nothing else to do. Or at least don’t have the energy to do anything else. So don’t worry at all about your to-the-point brevity. You have kids to raise! You have things to do! :)

Nah, I don’t buy that. I think there might be families that pressure you into having kids. Some families raise you with the expectation that you will reproduce. But I’ve found that outside of your immediate family, absolutely no one cares whether or not you have children. No one has ever made me feel pressured to do

Let’s try to see others’ points of view. I’m not saying anyone should get paid for staying home, but let’s do try to understand that nearly everyone has kids. So there are going to be loads of things that affect the situation. Many people who have kids have never had a super stressful career. I know people who think

I don’t know if it’s true that most people realize how hard parenting is. Or at least how hard it is to do well. Or what sorts of temperaments can do it well more easily. I think if they did, fewer people would have kids.

Seems weird to me. Quinoa has slightly less protein than chicken. It has more calories. I don't think having more calories is a bad thing. People need calories- it's the source that is the problem. If you get 800 calories from a meal that is quinoa-based or one that is chicken-based, what difference does it make? I

Yes you are right. I love preserved and pickled foods. I like bulk goods and pasta, etc. Canning is very efficient and can be quite healthy- even store-bought canned goods. Frozen veg also. I think what people mean are snack foods that come in a box or bag, as well as frozen meals. Loads of people who want to eat

That’s still oddly high. One gram per pound of lean body weight is the requirement (actually it’s controversial, but this is what I commonly hear) to put on muscle- but not to maintain and tone. Not knowing anything about your body shape (is your lean weight really 220 lbs?), I wonder why you need so much. If your

Why do you need so much? Is it a medical condition or are you into some hardcore body building? I'm sure that if you have some exceptional case, then of course you will have exceptional needs. But in general, Ive found that I can be very active and eat around 100 g of protein a day (easy from beans, tofu and eggs)

The world is not black and white. You can regulate hunting efficiently without making an animal go extinct. Right now, deer hunting laws are not efficient.

This is not an answer for the entire population. This is definitely a short-term help for people who live in certain regions. Deer populations are not at high levels because they are concentrated, at least not where I live. There are many many many times more deer in existence right now than there ever have been

This was true for me too because it forced me to learn to cook. But I have not found this to be true of everyone. I know a lot of people who went vegetarian only to suffer a diet of boxed processed junk food and loads of cheese.

It always surprises me when people seriously suggest that. I mean, if we lived in a world where our only option was protein from animals, then I could understand people pointing out that meat consumption at these levels is bad for the planet, therefore we need to look at the insect alternative. However, this isn't

To you, but this conversation in general, I think the problem is that Americans generally associate cooking a meal with a chunk of meat and a side of veg. Some other ideas...

Hmm... Thanks for responding? I don't see what is hypocritical about my point. The TL;DR version is simply: don't lie about what you are doing.

It's not just in Europe where the Brits get rowdy. They are a well-traveled bunch. You see them all over India being drunk and entitled and loud. I've never been to Malaysia, so I don't know. Also I've seem them in Vietnam and in Caribbean- always in warm spots, like you say. Pink skinned, drunk and loud. But a

Maybe. It’s hard to say without knowing the parents. That certainly makes more sense if she’s been sending hate mail to herself and then reporting it to police!

Just, wow.

I’ve got that straight uncurl-able Asian One hair. Perms fall out the moment I shake my head.