
I mean seriously. Who sits around and counts like that?

I don't believe the 8 number. I think it's likely that people who never have a long stretch of time single keep their numbers pretty low and they might skew the average. But I think that for people who spend a bigger chunk of their life single, then they just settle on a number like that to say in casual conversation

OK... I've read some other replies now, and I just have to say, I'm sort of surprised... I mean, I thought the only possible controversy would be about bringing people back to someone's house when you are a guest. But you people are talking about even established partners who visit together- about whether or not they

Oh, I should admit that I don’t know the details. Who blew her cover then? I can see them being justified in contacting the NAACP chapter and letting them now. That might blow her cover, but it's not as media-craving or freakshow. But if someone else blew her cover, I can even see them clarifying when asked. Yes, we

For sure. But the message isn’t “mob is bad”, that’s all I meant. I tend to not think about the sort of thing that you describe as a “message” is all. I think about that as good storytelling. Every story is going to explore aspects of culture, interpersonal relationships, community and morality, but I wouldn't think

If we can play devil’s advocate, I wonder if this is one of those slippery slope sorts of lies that started out with assumptions and got carried on as she went farther and farther into it? I mean, there are only two possibilities. One is that the gal woke up one morning and thought to herself, “From this moment on,

Horrible and destructive because there is no sane motivation for them going to the media and making this whole thing public. It's their daughter. Even if they felt that they needed to expose her to limit the damage, there are nicer and quieter ways to do it. They had every right to inform her work places, and then it

Yup. The parents lived in a teepee for a while. Then later referenced their smidgen of Native American blood. They also lived in Africa as Christian missionaries. What could be their motivation for exposing her lies like this? Concern for her? Surely they’d have spoken to her privately, contacted one of her trusted

How interesting! Can't wait to read it.

Oh dear. Easy- we all know our friends. I've never blinked at a friend bringing a hookup back to my place, and my friends know that. When it's the other way around- I have some that wouldn't mind and others that would. When in doubt, don't. Who finds this difficult to figure out?

She was born in New York, raised in LA, then returned to New York in her mid20s. Her entire musical career has been in NY. I don’t know if she's lived in the city proper since they had their daughter or if they live somewhere else? But she's been on the East Coast since the very early 80s- her entire public life

I don’t think anyone freaked out. I think it is an apt and lighthearted response to an extremely stupid statement made by someone who should be a leader in his field. There is nothing wrong with calling him out on it this way. He's not a random person saying something stupid.

She’s great, and I love her. I agree with her about Hilary too. Yes, I guess I’ll vote for her because the other option is going to be even worse, but I’m certainly not going to get excited about it.

Of course it does not mean figuratively. They are opposites, as I said. It is sometimes being used that way though. Yes, for emphasis. No, not for irony or humor (well maybe in some cases)- but rather because a person is not thinking about what they are saying. They just mean it like "totally". No irony intended.

But I’ve all along called her out on her lying. She’s got a psychological problem.

You literally can’t believe it? Yes, this is a magical conversation, you are right. But tell me, now. If race is a social construct based on physical features, what is gender? When Caitlyn was living as a man for decades, was her experience then that of a woman? Not now, in her memory, but then? I agree that gender is

In fact, I’m so baffled at your lack of logic that I can’t let it go that easily. Sorry for getting out of line, I probably should drop it. But as for the “social ramifications”- again I don’t understand how in the world you think this could apply to race and not gender. ESPECIALLY considering that plenty of trans

First- I know gender is not based on biology. My point is that gender is entirely a social construct. We are in agreement of this. But it’s worth pointing out that gender is aligned with sex 99% of the time. This is a point I am making because of my second point- which is where you are confused.

Ha ha.

I totally disagree with almost everything you say, regarding both race and gender. I can’t even begin to understand how you reconcile the double standard. Especially considering that there is actually a real biological determinant for sex (not gender, I know) and there is none whatsoever for race. So I don’t get the