
Image is sourced from the Institute for Family Studies.

Or, if you do have a problem with your children seeing it, maybe do something crazy like...have a conversation with them instead of yelling at anyone who will listen online.

But then I have to find something else to racist on, and I already started on this one...

It is totally fine for people to just say “folks are excited about this racy song, and I will pass because I’m not the audience”. No need to bring your children (that you probably don’t take care of) into it or a “distraction” diatribe.

As someone who doesn’t listen to Cardi B, isn’t unabashedly celebrating female sexuality like her entire musical shtick? I’m pretty sure she didn’t just spring this shit on people in the middle of some super pure Christian pop album. Is it really that hard to just say, “This isn’t for me,” and move on with your life?

Right? That photo above is like he watched Undercover Brother and thought it was a documentary.

Hunh, someone who married Mariah Carey and wears turbans has wild ideas and no sense of self-preservation?! Smh

I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.

Don’t forget that she initially charged towards him as well. He’s the one who had to say bitch stay back

I would hope you would. Unfortunately, most wouldn’t and don’t.

Why are reporters not specifically lambasting these types for THEATRICALLY making their voices hysterical as the dispatcher asks them questions?! That point is almost more significant than calling the police.

This is the peak of white womaning. I’m sorry but this needs to be painted with a broad brush. She is the sort of liberal, entitled, privileged, east coast white woman that tweets all the liberal hashtags, wears all the pink hats, eats all the avocado toast, has all the multi-ethnic assiociates, yet the moment she is

My best guess is that we will stop hearing my take shortly before we stop hearing your response.

He had a bad leg from injuries that occurred during passing plays. The majority of quarterback injuries occur while dropping back to pass. Should the Chiefs not pass to avoid further injury?

Also, for putting him on the field when he could suffer all sorts of injuries to body parts that were not already injured at the time!

Still suffering major knee damage? Colin Kaepernick. 

But, Leeroy does show up again in the revamped Upper Blackrock Spire. You kill a boss and find his corpse (remarkably well-preserved for 8 years). If you rezz him, you have 15 minutes to clear out a large section of the dungeon, including the boss that has the shoulderpads he needs. Meanwhile, he stays were you found

There’s a fantastic little “nnnnnnnn” between the two words that just massages the back of your neck. “Leeeeeeeeeeroy nnnnnJeeeenkiiiiiinsss.”

Hell, even that little bit of silence between Leeroy and Jenkins is perfect.

Real, fake, everything else that happens in the video, I really don’t care.