
The Adventure Zone is sublime storytelling. The comics have been a wonderful supplementation to the story I know well, and I think an animated series is a logical extension of the franchise.

I would like to give you all the stars.

The facts that people keep a) watching this dumpster fire and b) defending it, blow my fucking mind.

I SAW THAT. That is definitively the exact same model at Fun Land. It’s still there, and I’m still avoiding it and the headaches it would give me.

I’ve been breaking since the fall of 2001, and you’re not completely off-base about the idea of turning everything into a competition. The issue with that is that the breaking community has already been doing exactly that. There are plenty of folks who have spoken up against its inclusion in the games.

I’m happy (and unsurprised) to see Cap back in uniform for Endgame, but am I the only person who feels the Age of Ultron Costume was his best? Just a little white on the sleeves adds a lot of pop, and the Civil War costume was missing that. Anyway.

To be fair, Witten had never held any NFL trophies before.

Who are you calling “unchrasamatic?”

I saw him speak at a conference a few years ago. Truthfully, I didn’t have a clue who he was, but it was a big two-day NSCA conference here in DC.

The Fresh Prince is incredible.... but did he have the black Jordan Vs or not??

I don’t have extensive research papers, but at a low cost, these are really cool.


It’d be nice to have a real answer. Honestly, ever since Daredevil came out as well as it did and there was conversation about the Born Again arc being translated, I got goosebumps hoping we’d get a run-in with the Avengers and hornhead. And with Jessica Jones’ villain reveal, I practically jumped off my couch

^^^ This ^^^

Native Washingtonian here; the building explosion in the scene with the flags is the entrance to the monument— same place Liz Allen is seen on the phone. And the scene with Spidey trying to stop sliding through open elevator doors with the kids in yellow jackets: also the monument. That’s the observation deck up top.

Dirk Anger is a VERY manly name.

Calling it now: T’Challa will give Steve a replacement shield which will be destroyed facing off against Thanos for the first time, and Tony will gift the original shield back as a token of forgiveness.