
Dear European on Jalopnik - kindly fuck off and stop equating one American’s opinion with the rest of us, especially when it results in you calling us stupid. Can you? Please?

I’m sure you wouldn’t like us doing that to you.

So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

If that’s true, it’s probably spoiled. Don’t eat it.

Ironic isnt it?

Thankfully he did not with the democratic nomination!

Just slightly below Cadillac Cimarron, or just above the Trabant, if you’re using metric.

A Corvette overheating. A bummer, but...

So those of us with jobs not replaced by robots should continue putting our nose to the grindstone day after day to support so those who do not have jobs so they can spend their days doing what?

We get enough propaganda as it is, there’s no need to insert it into every movie, too.

Ugh this better not be some eco warrior message agenda film.

It’s not. It’s a dumb thing.

Or go back to the Blue Ridge Parkw.....oh wait...they shat on that on old TG.

If they do, they should also do Deals Gap/the Tail of the Dragon while they’re in the area.

He got to go to the white house? And he didn’t even have to build a clock, or do anything cool!

Some people aren’t so nice.

He had no chance whatsoever from day 1, he was replacing Clarkson.


The question I have, is why would you own a dagger that is not designed to kill something?