
Know what it costs me if the kid pays for his own damn education like I did? Nothing.

You’re not claiming it was a wedding party?

What’s the first rule of Fight Club?

The Sucker Punch


OK, but only the nuclear capable versions.

The B-21 Shadow

It’s 1964. You’ve tossed down a martini, lit your Lucky Strike and you’re on the way to pick up Joan Holloway from “Mad Men.” You turn on the radio and this song comes on.

Just sell a couple of F-35's on eBay. You know those guys selling their Cessnas are looking to upgrade.

I’d be fine with the Saudis not giving the MANPADS to anyone. If they want to escalate against Russia, they need to man(pad) up and send in the Saudi army in full uniform, under the Saudi flag and do it themselves. Be accountable.

Damnit man, get a camera and share!

If anyone went to an airshow at Andrews in 1982 and saw an A-10, that was me. I was the assistant crew chief on the jet and the crew chief was afraid to fly (yes, really) so I got to go out there with the jet and answer questions. The questions were usually “what kind of gun is that on the wing? (pitot tube) or on the

Even though its days later and no one will see my comment, I want to add something.

What software comes with it? And I don’t mean porn. (So maybe I mean porn but don’t judge me.)

I worked on a couple of those A-7's. Sadly, the jet I was crew chief of lost the engine over Indianapolis about a year after I left Nellis. You can Google it, I’m not going to post the details here.

Since the F-117 which could only be flown at night the pilots needed the A-7 to get training in daylight hours. Pilots also had to get in a certain number of cross country flights which usually involved flying home on the weekend to impress friends and family.

I wish I could say more about the 4450th, but one of the last things the Air Force said to me (while outprocessing from the squadron) was that the death penalty was authorized if you say anything. Even though the program’s been in the open for years, then cancelled and mothballed, no one from the DOD has ever called

I was an A-7 crew chief with the 44550th and I think that “cloaking device” has been repainted. I seem to remember it had brighter colors and a radiation warning sticker on it. But yeah, fuel truck drivers probably got the brunt of our false indignation when they got in the area. “See that thing hanging under the

I don’t think the drone has audio, so they edited it in.

20 years from now he’s going to take a long, sad look at his 401k and remember the money he spent on turbo pulleys and cold air vortex generators.