
Its 2015 and people still don’t know how to hold a camera.

How long before Russia loses a jet, whether to ground fire, maintenance issues or operator error? The statement blaming the US is probably already written, designed to create international pressure to force the US out of the region.

The license plate was stolen from my bike when I lived in Las Vegas. The thief put the plate on his bike then robbed a convenience store. The cops chased him and he fell off his bike at high speed in an intersection so he probably had pretty identifiable road rash. Since I hadn’t ridden my bike for a few days and

Does anyone think the Russian’s have a policy on NCD (attacking targets that No Collateral Damage is allowed) or is it going to be “Nyet, tough shitski!”

I was a crew chief at Ramstein in 1983 working on F-4E’s in phase docks. It wasn’t one of ours.

Now off to the hills. With stop signs in awkward places.

They bought them in the pre “death to America” days.

I drove the Las Vegas to Victorville route nearly every weekend for a year. It was about 180 miles and took about 3 hours at 1984 speed limits in my Chevette. I’m sure it cost me less than $10 in gas and snacks for the round trip. But trains in the US are horribly crippled for some reason. This trip by train will take

First of all, it’s “less lethal” not “non lethal.” Secondly, NYPD requires a 12 lb. trigger pull on their pistols. A Glock ships from the factory with a 5.5 lb. trigger pull. What they have done is make it difficult to aim their pistol while pulling ridiculously hard on the trigger. It’s the opposite of a hair

These guys.

You beat me to it.

That story needs some grainy pictures. And aliens.

Don’t play games with me...

Just people going to work. In the 1980s the F-117 was flown out of Tonapah Test Range at night, while the pilots would get their daytime flying hours in at Nellis on A-7’s. Members of the 4450th Tactical Group would get on an Evergreen Airline at Nellis (not McCarren Airport) on Monday morning and fly up north.

That’s one big ass hole. Wait, that’s not what I meant.

No naming allowed until someone comes up with a theme song to go along with it. CNN should be able to come up with something. You always know a story is important when it has it’s own graphics and theme.

Danger Will Robinson!

From my cold, wet hands.

I had to go the Nashville airport one evening to do some work on an airline’s equipment and managed to lose my ticket. I was only there for about an hour. I explained my situation the lady in the booth and she said “hold on a minute.” She looked up the video from time I said I entered, checked my license plate, made