Prole Hole

With a rebel yell, she cried, “Less, less, less!”

I didn’t realize induction hobs were so expensive in the US. In Europe they can be had for 250 dollars or less.

Farscape is actually really consistently morally scrupulous, no? Despite the heists and guns, for the most part Crichton especially resists violence. and with some characters espousing outright pacifism. Even the finale was a bid for deescalation.

The last episode of Blake’s 7, plus the one where Zen dies. That had me in tears (I was about 9 at the time).

Wictorious, surely

It was also a kind-of apology to 5-8 who didn’t get a moment in the 50th they should have. Being an Old Who fan, the moments between Tegan/5 and Ace/7 were especially touching and as much as I’ve criticized Chibnall for his writing, I have to tip my hat for that.

a stray laser beam from the sentient energy creature from the start of the episode catches both the Doctor and the Master

While I understand the complaints here, I’m kind of the mindset of Who’s Really Watching For The Plot? Most of the problems on Doctor Who are solved with some handwaving, technobabble and judicious use of the sonic screwdriver. In this case, the energy needed to under to the forced regeneration was provided by having

I’ve always been a supporter of Tin Machine. It’s scattershot, but it’s fun and refreshing deck-clearing, and you’re absolutely right that it was a few years ahead of its time in terms of the response it could have gotten. You could take both records, eliminate the dross and the lamentable tunes where the drummer

Worst news was that Raffi would be back, ugh.  The 2nd most annoying character on any of the shows I watch, behind Kwan on Halo.

I think of TMP as Roddenberry’s Platonic vision of what Star Trek was supposed to be, along with the first couple of years of TNG. Starfleet uses naval ranks but is objectively not a military organization, the Enterprise is brightly lit and full of vast interior areas, everyone seems pretty chill and casual despite

So in the same way Space: 1999 in no way looked like the real 1999, from the 70's point of view. This show will resemble nothing like what the real 2099 is going to be like... Got it.

OMG It’s not a slideshow!

I have personally always found both her and Roxanne Dawson who played her to be some of the best character/actor combos in trek. I find RD’s portrayal of Torres incredibly diverse and nuanced and capable. The episode they did with her where Torres gets split/cloned into her two separate halves, human and Klingon, she

My partner and I never watched Voyager but we started last year and we LOVE it. We’re TNG fans and that’s still our favorite, but Voyager has been so good. It works so well for the episodic content with the overall goal always being clear. It’s pretty close to TNG in both of our books, now.

SO agree. I’m really fed up with the grimdark nihilism that hangs over so much pop culture franchises and characters and I find it rather terrifying that hope and joy aren’t often feelings with which we’re presented to enjoy.

Indeed. I didn’t recall that last “twist” at the end regarding Picard’s character, but upon watching the Half in the Bag re:View of the first season and discussion of this revelation I had an immediate reaction of disgust and anger. This reminded me of another Half in the Bag episode where I believe they were

Ha. Man, that show really stunk. Except for the Seven parts.

Yeah, I would definitely watch Star Trek: XB (ex-Borg for those who forget the term from Picard S1).