Prole Hole

Exactly, there was some clown whining that it would take less than 1 episode of Discovery to do the entire series of DS9 and I was just like... bruh

I’m actually fond of The Final Frontier. Mind you, I don’t consider it a particularly good movie. I mean, there are major tonal problems (most of the attempts at broad humor), and the seams of the threadbare production values definitely show. But it’s really a sweet, thoughtful, throwback of a science fiction movie.

Hit-Monkey outranks them all, because it’s about a Hit-Monkey. Real simple.

Hit Monkey > MODOK

If one knows anything about Liverpool folk is is that you do not fuck with their docks. He takes the Sontaran presence very personally, and that feels very real and authentic for a character like Dan who has a pre-established love of his city and the desire to protect it. I know that might not necessarily translate

Agreed - and Dan creeping across the dockyard with his wok poised was another laugh out loud moment for me. Also the idea that the Sontarans’ critical weakness had been discovered by “some feller from Birkenhead.  He was drunk, with a mallet.”

Very much on board for this being part of THE CORE Cinematic Universe.

Janeway is best and I will fight you on that!


I’m so nervous to see who the writers are for these. Hopefully we get some of the standouts like Jac Rayner, Jenny Colgan, James Goss, or Eddie Robson. Or, man, you can even imagine Rob Shearman coming back to write one of these?

Everyone should the follow the lead of the warnings on the Tom and Jerry DVDs that were basically, "This is wrong now, it was wrong then, but pretending it never happened is pretending racism never existed." Keep these episodes but put disclaimers and give proper context and hopefully some people can have serious

Now playing

Okay, so time and technology has moved on a bit, but this must have broken the minds of an entire generation of kids back in 1963.

Since when did you start this slideshow shit??? WTF is this? Buzzfeed? I had to scroll through all f’ing 35 of the gdamn slides to register this complaint. I know things have gone down hill over the years, but really? There are so few websites that I actually enjoy anymore, I’m barely hanging on to the this one. I get

the world would be better off if more excessively rich people were like Bill Gates

Estrin also released a statement about how this Lost In Space was always planned as “a trilogy” with a “clear beginning, middle, and end.”

To be fair, that could still be true. None of these new memories show the Doctor doing anything particularly heroic. They were a guinea pig for their mom, then they worked for The Division (a group which is heavily implied to be up to no good) and at some point they took Ruth’s form and hid away on Earth for a while.

Umm, excuse me. *Pushes up glasses* Call of Duty is a World War 2 franchise.

Disney+ needs to give me The Lando Chronicles. Old Billy Dee Williams finding his Old Vlogs and reminiscing with Donald Glover reprising the role.