Prole Hole

I think it has a lot of the same fuck-it-let’s-go-for-it energy as Doom Patrol. It’s not as far out as DP, obviously, but it’s very balls-to-the-wall and I loved that about this silly little show. Sad it’s gone.


That’s Ok, they don’t understand the characters they created for their own show either.

Honestly, most of Threshold is good-good, it’s just the last five minutes that tank it. And fair enough, the last five minutes are fucking awful. But there’s a lot of good, if fairly standard, Star Trek action prior to that, Rober Duncan McNeill does good work, and there’s some effective make-up. There are worse

That much is certain.

beep beep

It’s also strange that he brings up drag - a man wearing woman’s clothes is not automatically “drag” and Tennant wouldn’t be being performative as a woman. I find the whole thing weirdly tone-deaf from someone who broadly get this kind of stuff right. 

The more cynical part of me can’t help but suspect some of the TERFier elements of the BBC put the kibosh on the idea of a male Doctor regenerating into a woman’s clothes.”

Me too. You. Are. Not. Alone.

You are correct - it’s exactly this. The Master is explicitly taunting the Doctor, and she even gets the line, “I feel like I’m being taunted”. There’s plenty to criticise (though honestly, I mostly really loved this, especially on a second viewing when it seemed to cohere better) but things like that are quite clear.

Pages still rules though, right?

But Raffi is awful.


I know it’s not a common view but that first Tin Machine album is pretty fucking great. Not flawless (lyrically it needs work) but there’s a vast amount to admire on it, and the album makes so much more sense in a post-grunge world. Indeed I suspect it may have been thought of a lot kinder had it been released after

David Live is a piece of shit. It barely even belongs on a list of David Bowie albums, never mind the top 20.

Two Girls OAN Cup?

Does’t need to be Scottish. Just less awful.

Yeah, not even getting a blonde actor seems a bit of an odd choice.

It’s funny, but Russ is really forgotten and underrated, but he’s fucking great as Tuvok. Definitely not stiff - I’ve called him Betty Davis in space, dropping bon mots all over the place - and just terrifically good in the role. Deserves to be remembered more.

Wesley’s Kirk had just enough of Shatner in the character not to be overdoing it, channelling mainly Kirk, not Shatner.”