Prole Hole

Christ that accent was even worse than Simon Pegg’s, which is quite the feat...

More than that. It’s the biggest selling UK single of all time that isn’t either a charity record or a re-release (so Candle In The Wind, for example, sold more, and so did Bohemian Rhapsody but BH’s second release the proceeds went to charity).

Wanderlust is the big Tug Of War absence here (not that Ballroom Dancing and Take it Away aren’t great. Tug of War is such a fucking great album).

Let’s hope not.

Paging Andrew Garfield...

Gotta be the Rani

For what it’s worth I have the 12" Mac Book with single USB-C port and it’s fantastic. Yes I would very much like another USB-C port, but honestly, for a grab-and-go portable laptop it’s fantastic. It’s not hyper-powerful but I edit podcasts and have edited some video on it as well as typical day-to-day tasks, video

Airwolf I’ll give you (it’s also the best of the big-things-go-boom genre of the 80s by a country mile).

Mmm. We are not as one.

They’ve never been forgiven for doing the theme tune to Street Hawk, and quite rightly so.

It was made for people so nobody has to watch the three shitty prequels, they can just watch the supercut and move on with their lives.

Also it sucked harder than a Dyson on overdrive. But we’ll gloss over that!

I’d love a Seven Rangers show, but Raffi can fall into a conveniently-placed black hole.

Elfo was completely useless and won’t be missed. Of all the too-many-characters he would have been my first to go (my second would have been Raffi, who’s simply awful, unfortunately, and Hurd isn’t a strong enough actor to bridge the gulf between character and writing).

Also appears to be the property of Starfleet, if those deltas are anything to go by.

Is there anyone that isn’t going to pronounce is spunk?

It exists.

Is “inspired Avatar” meant to be a selling point?

Yeah TMP pretty much made certain Roddenberry would get kicked upstairs, which I entirely get given the critical drubbing the movie got (though it’s worth remembering it was a big box-office hit). But I do deeply regret TWOKs leaning into militaristic fetishism - there’s a real, abiding love of the function and

It wouldn’t be the McGann Doctor though, it would be the Hurt Doctor.