Prole Hole

Won't somebody please think of the critics!

At least Paycheck honestly admits why anyone did the movie.


*looks at Adam West's career*


Or indeed any storyline. What's she had to do this season?

I agree with this, but on the other hand the review is 100% correct that Hayley's story, which has been about her making grown-up decisions and actually developing as an individual, gets completely sidelined over some predictable bit of male bonding. Frustrating.

Glad you enjoyed the recommendation! And just in time for the second season to kick off!

Such a great album, and even manages to show off a few decent songs from AtS and Reveal, which work much better live.

Collapse Into Now is always destined to be under-appreciated, and for reasonable reasons I suppose, but it's a fucking great album (and way better, and less self-derivative) than Accelerate. There's more genuine emotion on "Discoverer" than on the three albums preceeding it.

Oh yea I know that, and I'm not happy about it either. But this was still a rubbish episode.

Just ask Alice Krige!

The Wrath Of Queen

The twist is, she already does!

Can't we just get rid of them all?

Pa! Hello humin!

I kind of hope it was during the commercial break….

From Lake Geneva…

Julie Walters is good in absolutely everything though. Just such a fantastic actor.

I'll explain later.