Prole Hole

All the upvotes right here.

It's much better than its reputation and it's still rubbish.

And in that fabulous shiny space-disco outfit!

Go watch every episode of Lovejoy then get back to us.

It's a good answer!


It's a perfect storm of stupidity, terrible acting, awful effects and and an ending so idiotic it beggars belief. Why is there no Rifftrax for it, dammit!

In many ways I actually prefer Shallow Grave to Trainspotting. Not that Trainspottnig isn't great, but Shallow Grave is… I dunno, it's just a really, really well crafted movie, and doesn't require a lot of flash to make its points.

Na I'm with you. He seems like a lovely man, but I far prefer to see him interviewed than actually watch a movie he's in.


To be fair, if they gave up after watching this episode then it's understandable. This was just the most pointless episode of television I can remember see in a long time, and the worst episode of Black-ish there's been. What an abysmal start to the season.

Voyager Season 4 is as good as any season across any part of the franchise. Just sayin'

Eh. Almost nothing by Oasis is close to anything, save rubbish.

As a Star Trek: The Next Generation fan, I'm kind of sad that the Duras sisters exist.

There's a name for us!

A death that saved everyone would have been even more corny. The Big Sacrifice and all that.

You are, of course, correct!

Oh yea, they're absolutely terrific. Love The Wife In Space. Sue is magnificent.

"Executes upon them better than any movie since Insurrection" is a bar so low you might need a pickaxe to get under it…

At least Darkness is about something, which is more than you can say for the other two Abramsverse movies.