Prole Hole

You're not forgetting anything that made it less silly, but the point is that the mining ship was specifically designed to crack open planetoids to extract minerals, but which can obviously do the same damage to an inhabited planet as it can to an inert lump of rock. The film could have made this a bit clearer, no

Like! Me!

Hey, that's pretty coherent for a Daily Mail commenter!

.. who isn't more left-leaning than Fox News? The Mussolini Fun-Time Fascist Round-Up?

The "darkened skin" is apparently apocryphal - bad make-up, not racist.. The story is that Louise Jameson was being made up by an inexperienced bur rather over-enthusiastic make-up girl and, being very green herself, assumed the make-up girl knew what she was doing so never told her to just stop. Having gotten carried

I believe so, yes.

Fair enough.

Well there's Stein in Ressurection Of the Daleks, who kills himself to save the day, though it's not quite the same situation.

So despite the vast overlaps and actual appearance of two Doctors you don't think Sarah Jane Adventures is in canon?

Ohh I think the moment when he pretends to be controlled by the Key To Time in the last episode of The Armageddon Factor gives it a run for its money but still…

Yea, it's really me, I think New Disqus has been infiltrated by the Rutan Host. I don't know why my avatar isn't showing.

Can we also praise the set designers here? I know that's not something we get to do on Doctor Who very often but the sets here are phenomenal, and really sell the idea of the lighthouse as an actual location which is not something we can always say. Especially with curved walls, doors and staircases and with the

You can hardly blame anyone for that.

And much more importantly why aren't you inviting us all over so we can watch, laugh and drink our way through Who with you?

Pin lights and inexpensive CSO not good enough for you eh? Get him!

Given how (with the exception of Strax) the Sontarans in the New Series have been almost universally dull I'm not all that keen to see a Sontaran/Rutan war. There's just something incredibly… underwhelming about the Sontarans in New Who and if we never see them again (again, excepting Strax) I'll be fine with that.

Oh watched a whole bunch of stuff, from Some Like It Hot to Godzilla (the, um, original not the 1990s monstrosity).. Something for everyone!