Prole Hole

They want to stop the Arrival of foreigners?

Well, they cant all be winners…

*whispers* They don't…

*Makes bra*

Season Eighteen is my favourite season of any Doctor Who, so I'm very biassed here. Though he didn't write a lot in term of standalone scripts, you can tell his fingerprints are all over Traken, some of Warrior's Gate, and a fair chunk of State Of Decay (which is basically a collision between Dicks and Bidmead). I

That's under-appreciated, not under-rated. Anyone who knows who he is will tell you he's an amazing guitarist, if not a known-on-the-streets one.

Fine, fine, I'm jealous OK?

I mean, it's not that you're wrong about the god thing, but under-rated? Johnny Marr? That… seems unlikely. He's one of the most well-regarded guitarists there is.

I honestly really enjoyed Morrissey's Autobiography, and I'm saying that as someone who now finds him more or less indefensible. It's ridiculously histrionic and over-written to begin with, but it settles down nicely, and it does eventually make the point about why Morrissey doesn't want a reunion, which is

My favourite too, FWIW

Not Westworld, I don't think, this was just a really, really crappy episode of Leg Ends.

Bidmead. Seriously. I wish he'd done more during the run of the programme and I wish he'd do more with Big Finish.

Slight correction - Ridley Scott did indeed work at the BBC and indeed was meant to work on Doctor Who at one point, but he never actually did. It's one of the great "what if's" of Doctor Who.

in the end it doesn't matter to them if someone watches it or not. If it gets clicks or gets people subscribing then that's all they care about. We know Adam Sandler movies (or whatever) are shit, but the sad fact of the matter is that people watch them in stupidly large numbers, and that brings in the

Trump's Trumperica begins here

Actually you can do a really kick-ass acoustic version of Showroom Dummies.

Oh that's fine. I am a cuddly cartoon character!


Dont call him BoJo, like he's some cuddly cartoon character, it just plays into his odious fake-PG Woodhouse bullshit. Boris Fucking Johnson, or Johnson (don't use his first name like he's a mate). It sounds trivial but the way people refer to politicians really can matter.

The example you're looking for isn't Hitler, it's Mussolini. Someone elected to office on the basis of the cult of personality, with little to no policies apart from a few "big ticket" items, who has no meaningful or practical political experience, who appeals to an alienated working class angry at miss-perceived