
Man, now I’m just imagining Chidi in an anti-terror role.

There’s a fan theory floating around that it’s an elaborate prank, since they brought up the Mr. Potato head incident. Then they officially join the Union. 

To answer a few of your points Ferdinand. The Kaylons didn’t need an m class planet they targeted Earth because Isaac had been surrounded with many humans and it is my guess that the humanoids they had concurred before are most like us. The Kaylons see biologicals as a threat they will try to remove that threat. The

I don’t think they don’t need a planet like Earth, specifically. But they are convinced that all biologicals will attempt to impede their ‘evolution,’ and Earth is the seat of the Union, which they must feel is the biggest potential threat to their growth, so they feel it necessary to take it out. I think they

As my wife and I were watching this, I wondered aloud how Isaac could ever be brought back to the show, unless as a permanent villain. My wife then says, “If this is some sort of simulation, by the Kaylon, to determine if the Union is truly worthy enough to join, I will be so pissed.” 

They have a real problem with Toxic Moclaninity.

Denying that we are all human and we are all influenced by any number of internal and external factors is not helpful for any cause. He was saying that we all have the capacity to lean into those feelings, to be overwhelmed by them, but we also have the capacity to pull back. To see what you are doing even in the

Nail on the head here. If you want to say “Well he had these thoughts decades ago so obviously he’s a horrible racist!”, you’re not helping.  If you say “I’m triggered by this story!” then that’s your hangup, you have to work through your own feelings.  I honestly applaud the guy for making the statement he did in

I had no problem with Teleya giving Ed the gun. She was wearing a jacket over her head and it was likely to obscure her view, plus, she’d need one hand to keep the jacket safely on her head. Ed could wield the gun unimpeded.

Maybe he was just assuming based on Lincoln not being in the bad place - season 4 twist - abe lincoln never died! 

I doubt many people expected an episode like that. I am not sure whether I liked it or not, but it was interesting.

This motherfucker also forgets to mention how he threatened Josh “JTE” Tapia’s job if he said anything about the bullshit Tapia knew Signore was pulling.

Assuming this is Jeremy Jordan’s decision, I would not blame him, either.

He is, and I’m also glad they promoted Danielle Nicolet (Cecile) to regular cast status next season. (Wonder if she will get to keep her psychic powers?)

For all its flaws, this season was infinitely better than the prior one. I want to believe that this upward trend can continue. Please Flash writers, let me believe.

Yay! Ralph is a far better protagonist than Barry at this point.

I agree with some of the others here: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend isn’t very binge-able. But I’ve set it aside for weeks at a time more than once, and it’s always very easy to jump back in; there aren’t a lot of the sort of small details that you need to remind yourself about in many shows. First season is terrific, and as

Liv outs herself as a zombie to her partner Clive at the end of season two, and at the beginning of season three they promised not to keep secrets from each other any more, which was a huge relief to me. I had enjoyed the show before that, but I enjoyed it more after, especially because Liv & Clive is my favorite

I agree with all that. Maybe Rob Thomas will come back with a show starring Kristen Bell and Rose McIver as sisters who solve mysteries and, I don’t know, time travel.