
Good use of Damien Darhk in the flashbacks

Man, I love this show, it has a pure entertainment value that I don’t find in many things these days. Hope it gets picked up somewhere else, but wouldn’t be surprised if no one picks it up.

So true.

Pamela must have made a stop in Colorado to get some of those delicious Let’s Potato Chips. Definitely a buy!!!!

I'd redo the math on that.

Leonard likes this post!

Is there something he can do?

I honestly think Quake would be the best choice. Their power levels are about the same, I think their chemistry would be great as sort of a big sister/little brother kind of dynamic, and it would make sense that she would go to NYC to investigate something, so it's natural for her character to get tangled up in a

In incompetence? Yes, they've been in the lead there for quite some time.

I felt that the Ultimate Edition was an extreme improvement over the theatrical cut. The 2.5 hour cut definitely felt like there were pieces missing. The girl in Metropolis and the Africa scene made a lot more sense, to name a few. It maybe took the 15 to 20 problems I had with the first cut down to 10 or so.

Love me some Vinnie Jones, but man, those shoes are a bit much.

OK, here's my take on the Zoom mystery, although I'm like 4 days late and no one will see this. From what we know now, I think the answer is fairly simple. First off, I think Earth 2 Jay is legit, because I don't think we've seen him do anything to the contrary. So I think the Earth-1 Zolomon scene was legit as