
Yes because a derivative game is going to sue another derivative game for being derivative.

That’s what kickstarters have become mostly. It’s a way to gauge interest in a product, help finance it if it gains enough popularity, drastically reduce financial risk in case it bombs (a failed campaign costs way less than a failed released product), and you don’t have to answer to people who’s only interest is

Are you questioning whether or not Buzz was a member of the Avengers, or if the toy is suitable for children 4+?

the video isnt out yet. what hes saying is basically “if you subscribe, you will be notified when the video comes out”. as far as i know, youtube cant restrict videos to subscribers only, but i could be wrong

Just clone him, get History Channel to do a Truman Show around watching him grow up and invent stuff!

You act like that didn’t happen then. Only difference is that they didn’t get patched then. They just stayed broken with bugs.

Comparing COD to Mass Effect is like comparing a Trump speech to Shakespeare.

It just looks like more of the same. I mean, yeah, space fights. Great. Those were in a couple of the previous ones.

Don’t forget “Walking Simulator” for anything without the blam-blams the kiddies love so much.

I don’t think they have ever been able to do that? Devs can flag reviews for moderation if they think they are inappropriate but all that does is collapse them until they are looked at by Valve. Only Valve can actually remove the reviews.

My sons and daughters will be torn apart from bickering after my death deciding who gets my launch day steam account =|

Pff. Speed runs are old news. The new thing is slow runs. You should check out my video where I play the original Half Life and it takes me 4 hours to get past the tutorial because making the guys splode with my crowbar is just so fun.

Never understood why people get so bent out of shape about product placement and logos in movies. You walk out the door of your home, you look around, you see products and logos. They’re on signs, they’re on cars around you, they’re on people’s clothing. And yet people expect movies to be completely devoid of all that

Not honoring your contractual obligations is a real dick move. Also it tends to not hold up in court.

Paramount has proposed a settlement whereby they will paint "Visit China" on Optimus Prime's grundle, which reportedly will be visible for no fewer than 19 minutes in the upcoming Transformers movie.

in some ways this is the dystopian future I have feared the most. it’s.... oh man. Nintendo.

Nintendo fans right now

“We explored options for developing classic servers and none could be executed without great difficulty.” So, a few guys can set one up for themselves and invite 150k people to play on them, but the company that made the fucking game says it’s too hard? Bullshit.

Come on people, does not a movie with the title Jurassic World War fucking write itself?

Shit post.