
If it turns out to exist, it WAS always there. At least in the context of human timescales.

I am LOVING all the self rightous entitlement in gaming news today. First people are claiming that Blizzard “stole” their private server that they never had a right to operate, (but it’s ok, they have a right to run it because blizzard stole vanilla wow from them in the first place). Now, people are pissed off that an

Dory was about the only thing in Finding Nemo that got me close to crying, but there’s just something about Finding Dory that rubs me up the wrong way. Last time we got a sequel to a Pixar film that focused on the sidekick, we got Cars 2.

Avengers is only batting .500 at this point, so don’t get too cocky. Ultron managed the amazing feat of making a running battle involving all of the Avengers boring.

I’m a big fan of MoS and hated BvS. I don’t really care about how they diverged the characters from the comic books, because hell, Superman in Injustice this week just massacred an entire convention hall full of innocent protestors, but I’m sad that BvS was so shit-poor and now will probably never result in another

Haha, I know it can be a touchy subject for lots of people. I don’t mean it as anything other than to say I was one of those people who was on the VERY extreme end of being strong at math and science and just as socially awkward.

Kylo ren is everything that Anakin Skywalker should have been(a bit less evil then kylo, but nevertheless) kylo does have some parallels with Anakin... Especially considering he practically worships vader as a demigod. But were Anakin came off as a whiny brat a lot of the time. Kylo refuses to let the bad parts of his

I kind of love that though. Kylo Ren is unlike any Star Wars villain we’ve had in the past, this weirdly impotent, angry young man who is enraged that his legacy, his destiny (the most powerful concept in Star Wars, after all, is prophecy and fate), has been denied to him.

Who is this guy because I totally want to reach out to him and buy him lunch any time he’s in town. Seriously, I think this is the most responsible and logical thing any developer has ever done with their games. Even without the Sandy Hook part, the whole idea of forcing people to NOT take the easy way out of a

In the first few levels, which I’ve played, you’re shown a purple ball that’s in your play space. Somewhere beyond where you’re standing, there’s a purple wall. You need to get the ball to that wall building something that’ll carry it over there.

Your never going to get an arena shooter to feel as tight and quick as the greats of 90's PC shooters when they are made for consoles aswell. That means designs will have to incorporate the limitations of the gamepad analogue stick into everything part of the game design.

He’s definitely not the first. Donald Trump has been appearing in comic books as a villain for a long time.

That’s because it is a really, really, really shitty touchpad. Every game that has tried to use it in any major capacity has revealed how crazy laggy and imprecise it is.

No dear, I have fun reading/watching stories where various characters go through various arcs, both ups and downs. You see, in a narrative, there’s a thing called a “low point”, where a person is beaten or foiled or killed, and it generally helps the overall story because it sets a tone.
If your weak constitution does

America, beware of the double dil- Ditto! Double Ditto!

Literally the first line after he finished detailing his canon origin in Killing Joke is “at least that’s how I remember it right now. Sometimes it’s different. If I’m to have I’d prefer it to be multiple choice!”

They’re taking the Joker ‘origin story’ as canon but he’s told different stories himself and there’s no accounting for his own insanity. It might be true, it might just be another of his lies, and nobody has any way of proving either way.

The criticism of Marvel’s house style is more or less on point. But it seems absurd to level the criticism that everything is too funny when Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies brooded their way to a giant haul of cash at around the same time that the Marvel approach came together. BvS is not daring to be different;

Yet they do shit all with it. We never learn what the chosen one even is and Anakin’s feelings and weight is never successfully portrayed to the audience.