I’m going to staple a copy of Blood Sugar Sex Magik to your face.
I’m going to staple a copy of Blood Sugar Sex Magik to your face.
“If you had read to the end of the sentence, you would have seen: “there is a broad scientific consensus that alcohol is a carcinogen.”
Even considering that, your title is still wrong. To borrow an explanation from a cancer research company:
They finally came across some drafts they can handle.
Or do what my grandparents would have done: Let him go hungry until he comes to his senses and then he’ll eat whatever you give him.
When people call the NHL a Mom and Pop league I didn’t realize it was because they’re not letting us go out with our friends on school nights.
I love coffee. I drink it every day. I love trying new brewing methods at home. I’m also lazy when it comes to my…
Texting while driving is dangerous, I agree. Downloading Flash to play this game is much more dangerous.
The PDF attached doesn’t tell me much about the actual ingredients list or the number of preservatives, which I would be interested in. I’m not under any delusions that cooking myself is better than grabbing prepared meal, but if the prepared meal/hot meal (I’m assuming “prepared” includes frozen since I’ve never seen…
If you’re paying cash, MONEY OUT! Don’t wave it in the air or anything like that, but out and in your hand on the bar top shows the bartender that you’re ready to go. If you have a tab going, empty glass in your hand. Again, don’t wave it around but make it visible on the bar top.
Greenify is a great app for doing just this. I have it set to disable any app of my choosing within 5 minutes of phone lock. The app won’t restart until I manually start it again. Further, apps that use the built in Google push notifications can still send/receive notifications even while disabled. There are a lot of…
What do all three have in common? They all got away with “it”.
I don’t see why this is news.
Facebook app became such a resource hog that I trashed it and access FB now only through Chrome. It can be annoyingly slow and unwieldy at times, but that also gets me out the time suck that Facebook is.
But there are many drains that you can’t uninstall either. :(
I use All-In-One toolbox (free but ads, $2 for full version when I bought it) to disable things from running when the phone boots.
a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being…
I’d much rather listen to Black Sabbath than Tiesto period.
seems cool except for the whole part where you have to run with your phone
Please if you are having suicidal thoughts or just struggling with depression talk to a friend or call the suicide prevention hotline. They’re there to help: 1-800-273-8255.
I'm going to share this article with my wife.