
I agree with some of what you said. If you are a dog owner, you’re responsible for your dog. This includes being aware of surroundings, picking up after them (seriously if you don’t, you suck), and training them appropriately. In short, use common sense.

The problem with retractable leashes is mainly in dog populated

You can also talk to your parents and all their friends!

As long as the neighbor isn’t a dick, I really don’t care if he’s working on cars in his garage.

Yeah this would have been about 45mi from my house. Traveling south. Which in the winter is essentially driving to ski country.

Oh I’m totally making a Doom Metal one.

Saw Purity Ring live. Creates such a relaxed groovy mood. Not surprised by your suggestion.

I always wondered if there would be a way to stop a sizable asteroid from impacting the earth.

Completely agree. A 5 star rating system for albums and songs would be great. It’s especially helpful if you start a radio station, hear a great song and want to remember it. Or like I do sometimes, listen to a discography of an artist I haven’t before and rate their albums.

My great grandmother was from Ireland. She would always ask for Jameson and would send it back if it was made with Bailey’s. She was drinking Irish coffees well into her upper 90s.

Yennifer is definitely spot on.

Yep parallel is key. If you aren’t hitting parallel, strip some weight off. Lifting heavy and improperly will get you seriously hurt in no time. Everyone wants to lift a million pounds, few want to lift it properly.

Seek help immediately

My dogs are getting hugs whether they fucking want them or not. They are the size of people so it makes it easier.

My parents did that with me. You either eat what you’re given or you’re going to be pretty damn hungry later.

We made a ton of new friends through rescuing dogs. Some of which have become really good friends. Getting a dog (please adopt, don’t shop) is an instant conversation starter.

Wegman’s has great good food options. Both $6 meals, subs, pizza, and the aforementioned buffet. Could be made with arsenic, I’m still eating it

I’d recommend (if you use it), starting with LastPass or the like. Punch in your address once and have it autofill forms. Saves a lot of typing.

I moved my banking from Key Bank to Capital One 360, although I still have my Key Bank account. They don’t have any local branches, but I almost NEVER go into a branch anyway. They have free ATM access for most ATMs, usually the ones you find in a drugstore or 7/11. I can go to the end of my street and take out cash.

By default they still need your approval, or they can use their own payment method.