Progressivism's DonkeyPunch

Translation: “I don’t like Andrew Yang because he isn’t the right kind of Asian.  His refusal to be a victim threatens my worldview.”

The definition of progressivism is to find problems where none exist. Apparently it is now necessary to police the usage of pronouns.  The Cultural Revolution proceeds apace.

Cardi B. Admitted drugger of men. Violent attacker of women. Admitted member of a violent gang. Favorite of Jezebel.

They are providing birth control. Just not the kind of birth control that is an abortion.

The definition of Progressivism is looking for problems where absolutely none exist.   Finding anything in his entirely correct remarks is only possible in the breathless, hysterical atmosphere of today's Cultural Revolution, brought to you by the leftist fringe of the Democrat Party.

No one will be repealing it any time soon.  It won't be necessary when the egregiously bad abortion decision is rescinded.   When Trump gets his third justice on the court, then there will truly be "reproductive justice" for the slaughtered millions.

Good news. The last shot is coming soon. Three Trump appointees on the court and the publicly-sanctioned abortion holocaust will finally come to an end.

“particularly cishet men”

Hopefully he doesn't do something stupid this time, like resign or apologize.  

Even if a single one of these allegations is true, which is doubtful as there is not a shred of evidence, it does not matter.  They are nothing to resign over.  Soon men will be forced to resign because their accusers will say I could tell he was having dirty thoughts about me.  The proper response is to give the

He is quite correct. Since he isn’t going to be convicted by the Senate in any circumstance, the proper way to remove him is by election. If, as I read here, the ideas of the left are universally popular, then why is the left so afraid of how the next election will go?  It should be easy.

The hypocrisy of the left is to complain how wealthy people spend their money, demand they be taxed so that you can steal their money, and yet admit at the same time that if you were the rich, you would do the same exact thing.

He's done nothing wrong, and she, like most sensible people, knows that.

She's quite correct.   Her reaction is the one of most sensible people.

You must be looking in a mirror.

Of course, he is a victim. He was railroaded out of a Senate seat. Progressives killed one of their most effective Senators over something that almost no one cares about, and nobody at all thought he should resign over (except political opportunists like Gillibrand).

He’s quite correct, in every respect.

Nancy Pelosi should definitely take advice from the clown gallery of the Splinter bloggers and comment section.

The border is (finally) coming under some semblance of control. The pendulum has been swung enough in the right direction that even when the next regime comes in, they will say some nice words, but leave most of the measures Trump did, in place. Because, everyone wants this, but it’s only Trump that has the courage to

Warren will be a disaster of historic proportions for the leftist party.  But good riddance.  Perhaps after that, the children will be relegated to the sidelines, and the party can actually get back to the center, and win some elections.