Progressivism's DonkeyPunch

She lost, please get over it. Worst candidate in history, lost to the 2nd worst candidate in history. Its appalling that people want to whitewash her career, its like G. Bush Jr. fanatics from the left 

Wouldn’t the Chicago attorney like Kamala Harris better? She’s a cop

Quite a valuable lifehack contribution. You’re contributing to tarnishing of the once reputable brand of

Isn’t there another of the bazillion garbage gawker brands this could go under? Or maybe it does sit nicely with the “intro to anal play” and “how to get someone to pay for your abortion” life hacks.

“There’s no way he can survive this!”

No worries. Bernie didn’t think millionaires should exist until he became one. Someone just make this old fart a billionaire and he’ll shut up. Not that it matters. He’s never even going to get the party nomination.

I love when white feminists praise a woman that admitted to sending men to beat up women for her, is presently in the middle of a court case for getting bartenders attacked by a group of men and women, said she would drug a cheating boyfriend and have a trans woman sleep with him in order to shame him and called a

Newsflash: the civil war is already here.

Lol. You prejudiced retard.

Perhaps we should ponder more deeply this phenomenon we call “dirt.” We understand dirt to be information that causes public embarrassment to a person, but embarrassment is a subjective perception, not objective fact.

Another celebritard trying to sound “trendy” and “woke” ... who gives a shit!?

The ever-expanding proliferation of stupid terms for wanking preferences has become downright comical. I’ve been told that I’m a cisgendered hetro-normative something-something-something. Huh? That’s as annoying as those people who insist that I’m a ‘progressive’ when I’ve been a liberal all my life.

Uh a what now? Jesus christ how many different types of “sexual” are there. The list just seems to keep growing

Trump Killed the Seriousness of Impeachment

Since being shown that he had acted inappropriately with these women, he made a choice to be more mindful with pretty much everyone. I’m struggling to spin this as a negative.

Al Franken lost his job because he sexually harassed women. Regardless of the issue of process, it was not an entirely unjust consequence. But what happens next? In any office/factory/store across the nation, after a sexual harasser is fired, they are not barred from their industry. They get another job.

Because an accusation is still just an accusation if there’s no admission or investigation. Whether we like it or not, there is a lot of discussion around Franken and there is no broad consensus that his resignation was warranted. There was no investigation. So that lack of consensus means that one side can’t dominate

He did apologize, repeatedly, just not in this interview.
I dunno about anyone else, but I personally don’t expect him to apologize every time he speaks in public for the next 10 years.

Because Al Franken is and always has been very popular and still has a lot of supporters?

“[W]e wanted to provide information to readers that allows them to make their own judgments about whether or not he is credible.”

I mean Paul all she has to do is listen to you and the rest of the commentators on Splinter and she has it made. I mean you and your staff of brilliant writers have all the answers.