Progressivism's DonkeyPunch

The left hates America, so much so that they wish to nominate a candidate that is so far left that the electorate will flush them right down the toilet, and hand control of the country to Trump for another four years.

This is quite appropriate.

At least it makes one laugh. The writing at G/O media reduces one to tears.

Quite appropriate.   Another example of the progressive neurosis, transferring their own impotence onto a person who is not responsible for the act they are angry about.

Tlaib has no issues except the destruction of Israel, which seems to be very popular here.

The progressive obsession with “appropriation” has now reached the level of naming.  Apparently a white woman is not allowed to have a name that “belongs” to a different culture.  What kind of insanity is this?

They don't want your union.   They are doing fine without it.

What an absolute pile of horseshit.

In fact, whatever Rashida says, matters as much as the garbage that a raccoon might rummage around in at night. She is a nothing but a loose cannon that needs to have a minder walk around behind her, picking up shit.

What an absolute pile of horseshit.

“His justification reminds me of Thomas Middleditch, who recently outed himself as someone who coerced his wife into an open marriage”

Travis Helwig and Yale Fried of Crooked Media, the very cringey centrist company founded by former Obama staffers”

Your candidate sucked, and her ideas sucked. Take some responsibility for why you lost, and maybe you will win next time.

He is quite correct. Since he isn’t going to be removed by impeachment, no matter what, this is all just theater. The only remedy is the election. When he survives the trial in the Senate, he will be stronger than he is now.

Anytime a person becomes too successful, it becomes time for a progressive website to drag them down.

It seems unlikely that we would agree on all things, but your comment is eminently reasonable.

What a monumental pile of horseshit.

The Green New deal is nothing but a flush of a 20 trillion dollar economy, right down the shitter. It is a mystery why progressives hate their country so much, but what is clear is that their agenda is the destruction of the greatest creator of prosperity the world has ever known, the free enterprise system.  In their

This is very illustrative. It shows that the progressive’s hatred for Trump is such that even when he does something well, they are unable to put aside their own biases.

Progressives like to go on and on about “wage theft”, but then they propose to steal other people’s money by forcing businesses to pay people the same money, to do dramatically less work.