Progressivism's DonkeyPunch

The reason she doesn’t want to talk about it is that nobody wants impeachment, except for this little echo chamber. No one cares. It’s going to be settled by an election.

Man who owns business ... Makes a decision about the business he owns.  What a scandal.

Splinter wanted Bernie, you whined about how Hillary was the worst, and now you got Trump instead. Again, progressives demand socialism, and the Supreme Court is lost for a generation.

Oh look, there is a progressive now.  Looks like they filled their diaper!

Yes, what an outstanding victory for labor. Now 99%+ of those “employees” can be immediately terminated so that a tiny fraction of them can be paid like the work is a “job”.

Jezebel, a website that espouses how feminism is good for everyone, as long as it is the right kind of woman. I guess a woman who makes a business that helps other women must be criticized because she makes a profit at the same time.

This post is a good tutorial on how the progressive really has no idea what they want, beyond a general desire to just “cancel” (that is, punish) people that have somehow transgressed or offended them.

I guess since the:

According to your own Hamilton Nolan, what Cramer is doing by talking to people and listening to their answers is actually ... Journalism.  I guess it only counts as Journalism when the people involved are ones you like ?

It’s quite appropriate for Billy Bush to be back at work. Most people, excluding the bitter dead-enders here, have no problem with redemption.

You sound triggered to put it mildly.

“For months, CAP subjected the staffers of its progressive journalism vertical ThinkProgress to a shameful degree of uncertainty and demoralization”

No, the problem is ... It seems to offend you :) .

And here we go with the Tomato comments.

Exhibit A.

But then he capped it off with the R-word, which should’ve made everyone in the audience cringe. Instead, people clapped and laughed, and Harris laughed, too, adding: “Well said. Well said.””

Progressives are desperate for the economy to fail, so their preferred candidate can win an election. They rail on and on about how people are hurt when there is an economic downturn but it turns out none of that matters when it's their own self-interest at stake.  How ironic.

He should come back.  He did nothing wrong.  His only mistake was in yielding to the childish mob that wanted to scalp someone, because they couldn’t scalp the one they wanted to.

“It’s moments like this when you wish cancel culture were real

At least your other replies were not as stupid as the first. I’m glad you got the point.