Progressivism's DonkeyPunch

Well, his support among black people is 95%. Why does Splinter think it knows better than black people who should be the candidate? 

To use words that will be familiar to you, that’s a straw man argument.

They can indeed decide. They can decide to be a driver or not. If they want to be a driver, they can set their own hours and manage themselves. They will be classified as an independent contractor because that’s what they want. That’s how it works.

Excellent groveling.

You are not an intelligent person and no one values what you have to say.

If it’s so shitty and “exploitative”, then why do any of them continue to drive there? Is anyone coercing or forcing them to do so? Who is preventing them from pursuing other options?  “Oh no, my life’s been ruined by Uber because I drove for them and didn’t make enough money!”  What a load of shit.

No one is forcing them to do that. In fact it is you who want to control the drivers and exploit their situation for your gain. Why do you think you are better situated to decide for other adults what the nature of their work arrangement is ? It’s really none of your business, at all.

This is why progressives really have no clue about the effect of the policies they insist on.

The progressive has nothing to say so he says ... Nazi. How creative.

Ah the thuggish face of the Union shows.  Always ready to decide for their fellow worker how their life should be.

Could not agree more. Lot of people losing their shit here over what was always supposed to be a part-time income supplement.

How was the “job” fraudulently advertised ?

I don’t mind at all that’s what will happen. I’m identifying that is one of the consequences, so that when progressive chucklefucks complain about it later they were told. That’s how a free market works.

I don’t agree they are employees but they will die and be replaced by something else without the drivers. And the management no doubt is woeful.

Yes, it will be a big victory when all the drivers can go from making some part time income, to making no income part time.    But they won't be exploited anymore.

“Nobody is forcing you to “be an employee””

In fact, society has determined that there is more than one type of business model, because there is more than one type of person, and not everyone wants to be an employee. There are many professions where “society” has decided this is perfectly acceptable, because ... Adults can make their own decisions about the

Why do you think adults are incapable of deciding for themselves the terms of their work arrangement?

Because adults can make their own decisions about the terms of their work arrangement.  Why do you think you get to decide that for them?

Why do you think that adults are incapable of making decisions about what the terms of their work arrangement are? They don’t have to work there.