Progressivism's DonkeyPunch

Outstanding dudebra.  The stands are clapping for you!

Sure. As always, the virus of unionism kills the host.

“Among them are names like ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and Chevron, and they’ve been leading the way on causing climate change for decades”

By all means, unionize tech. The direct effect of that will be that there will be vastly less tech jobs, because this is work that can easily be done anywhere.

By all means, change the business model. The direct effect of that will be the immediate end of both companies.  As always, the virus of unionism sucks the blood out of the host until it collapses.  The virus kills the host.

Why doesn’t Splinter trust the judgement of black voters?

I’m sure this will be the smoking gun that brings Trump down!  The sad facts of the case are that after 2.5 years and $30 million dollars, this is all the progressive crowd has to talk about.  A half circle on a weather map.

Splinter continues to avoid the week-old story that Omar married her brother, and home-wrecked a marriage.  I guess it’s ok when a progressive with a 25% approval rating does it.

Your level of agitation is very telling.  Best to get out in front of this now before it gets much worse.

What will you do when it is proven true? My guess is you will follow the progressive’s handbook, which is to ignore it when one of your own does it.

Once again your ego and your need to be the loudest voice in the room has you “reluctantly” pulling someone out of the greys.  Who are you really doing this for?

When will Splinter cover Omar’s serial campaign finance violations?

Progressive’s social engineering project to base compensation on racial identity proceeds apace.  The irony is that this is the system they claim to be fighting against, but in the end, they are fine with it, as long as they can install the right people in the chosen spots.