Wonder if folks at Gizmodo ever ponder the long term consequences of recommending a Chinese based products, and not just from the security perspective. Perhaps not, as the lesson from Trump becoming a US president has not been learned.
Wonder if folks at Gizmodo ever ponder the long term consequences of recommending a Chinese based products, and not just from the security perspective. Perhaps not, as the lesson from Trump becoming a US president has not been learned.
Corporations have end the pondering to SJW demands. You can’t run a successful, world competitive corporation when 21 year olds decide the direction of your business based on your misguided feelings, outrage or whims of the day. This already is in full swing in most major institutions and it’s only getting worse. Now…
Simple, gizmodo loves to indulge in virtue signaling pseudo science. This used to be a tech site with relatively well researched tech articles. Now its a Social Justice propaganda for the Soy Boy generation.
Because they now campaign on identity politics and oppression Olympics and of course institutional racism by the nazi-sympathizing white people.
Most likely it was someone from “The Root” just another day at the office fermenting racial tensions fanning racial divisions.
Don’t worry....I will make sure I will be there tomorrow.
LoL, anyone who disagrees with my narrow-minded opinions is a Far-Right Neo-Nazi sympathizer. Please....let me just leave this hear to make it sink in a bit...
I’m just going to leave this here:
New outrage on Communist News Network. Weather is Racist.
That would be Racist because you can’t expect minorities to have enough money to afford a stamp. Just like you can’t expect black people to have an ID :)
You guys truly are a bunch of NPCs. Every article on Gizmodo and your affiliated Singular-Vision network is either Trump Hysteria or Trump derangement intertwine by racist hate for white
The Root - African American Obituary announcement forum.
Wow, you guys are so blinded by Trump hysteria that you can’t see the bigger picture. China is a competitive adversary not a friend. They laugh at you SJW all the way to the bank while pilfering every intellectual property and manufacturing gain achieved by the West.
Except it is a Chinese device that builds a better future for China not US or Europe. Every product you buy has an impact, both in security of data, theft of intellectual property as well as global geopolitical order.
No, we don’t “ALL” have to agree that world is a mess. As a matter of fact, the world as we know it is NOT a mess. World has improved dramatically in just last 100 years. Overwhelmingly there is less poverty & less war. Just because it’s fashionable in some circles to call everything a mess because your leftist…
Oh the hypocrisy, bending over for the Chinese censors while virtue signaling about values to the US government that helps their business be what it is today.
Yes your idiotic response.
You are a race biting ghetto loser working for a black version of a Daily Stormer. Perhaps you could use a bit of the same advise you are dishing out. How did you like that? This is your poetic writing style after all applied back to you.
And this, comrades is a what typical virtue signaling Social Justice Warriors mean when they fight for Equity and Justice. It’s OK to take everyone-else’s money as long as it’s not your money. Helping Syrian’s refugees as long as it’s NIMBY and as long as someone else will pay for it.
For all the anti right-wing-white supremacy, divisive racist banter that that gizmodo/root and it’s parent company uni-vision is famous for it’s suprorising this site hasn’t been flagged.....it is ironic that the first organization caught by the facebook system was SJW ANTIFAesque group.