
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why you believe that you NEED to work at Disneyland and accept their pay? Or maybe you have swallowed the idea that the only way to be entertained in life is to spend your money at Disneyland vs going for a walk in a park, swim in a lake, ride a bike, meditate, read a book....all

How much should this mythical “living wage” be in your opinion? Here is an idea, you can always start your own Disneyland and start people off with your clearly defined “living wage”. 

Should, should should.....they already pay $15 to start! When they pay $18 you will complain they don’t pay $22 and once they do, you will point out that in your opinion this mythical undefined living wage should be at least $35..... and this is how we get out of control inflation where your $35 ends up being $7.99/hou

Not true, throughout most of the pandemic people were effectively subsidized (bailed out by the government) with stimulus checks. In large part the employment shortage is due to people in many cases receiving more money than they otherwise be paid by the job itself.

Nope, your collage professor was actually right. Sweden is a great example of an advanced economy with NO minimum wage. 

Just donated $120.00 not much I know but it’s all I got at the moment. 

In reality they are between the rock and a hard place as unions are killing them. Tesla is free from the burden of the unions and therefore it greatly contributes to their long term success. 

Fucked up society? compared to which other perfect society? Please by all means take your time.

FUCK YOU for making it political, you virtue signaling hypocritical asshole.

Because nobody wants a bundle sans Mario.

Because nobody wants a bundle sans Mario.

Sick of your constant daily SJW outrage. Looking by the recent firings in the news organization (and I’m using news very very loosely)  such as Huff Post or BuzzFeed....other people are too. It’s only a matter of time before your childish and very damaging opinions are gone a long with your jobs. I hear Univision is

Why would he be sorry precisely? For being the most calm, composed person in light of racial attacks by black supremacists and a deranged (discredited - lying) individual who uses his Native American race as a weapon?

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Yes, here is a translation: Splinter is a semi-Marxist publications riddled with angry SJWs, there is a reason unions have been dying. Unions used to have it’s purpose at one point. Now they became bloated, top-heavy self-serving and anti free-enterprise and capitalism. Unions of today keep industries stagnate and

F, ya....Communism! F, free enterprise... VENEZUELA here we come!! Brought to you by 20 something angry soy-milk, kombucha SJWs who know everything about geopolitical order and how to bring about a real change in the world. Viva la revolucion. Because let’s be honest everyone loves to watch something burn.

I’m an Asian American. And I lived in Chinatown...therefore I know a lot about math and Kung-fu. While in actuality my statement is simply ignorant and downright racist.

Most likely it was someone from “The Root” just another day at the office fermenting racial tensions fanning racial divisions. 

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Don’t worry....I will make sure I will be there tomorrow.

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LoL, anyone who disagrees with my narrow-minded opinions is a Far-Right Neo-Nazi sympathizer. Please....let me just leave this hear to make it sink in a bit...

The Root - African American Obituary announcement forum.