
So sick of your virtue signaling along with the rest of entitled SJW politicians that know how to solve all the worlds problems.

Actually you got it backwards. It’s the conservatives that are into personal liberty and actual freedoms of speech these days. Most universities are filled with borderline Marxist ideology intertwined with gender confusion and safe space from diversity of expression and thought. You need to get out more beyond your

Ok we got another shocked and confused Beta meale. Go hide in your safe space so you don’t get exposed to reality of life.

Yes really, you pussified beta male. Go #metoo yourself.

Lol, I’m sending a check today.

Institutional Racism and unconscious bias of course, what else....there is simply no other explanation.

Fine, leave the company. Microsoft is a business it’s not your SJW club.

Sure there is an excuse. It’s simply unnecessary for a movie’s overall plot-line, who scissors or puts their penis into whom or what. Gay, straight or otherwise.

Plain and simple Racism. Racism is so wide spread in US it literally spills into the streets...there are KKK members (And their goons the Police) roaming the streets rounding up anyone of color and or anyone even remotely suspected of sympathizing with people of color. To clarify color I mean just black because

Ban on cash is a terrible idea moving the world ever closer to a 1984 scenario and a direct assault on liberties and freedom. Ironically the eventual ever restricted/monitored society will come from the left and not the right as many have speculated.

I enjoyed...Get Out as a dark comedy.....but somehow few noticed how preachy and truly racist it actually is.

They are a racist far-right tool to specifically oppress Blacks and LGBTTQQIAAPBBQ (did I forget anyone? List of oppresed just keeps growing every month..) and keep them from voting or in general be successful in life considering all the systematic oppression and historic racism...thats hiding behind every corner.

Yes, vacations do suck for the environment. So do cars, houses we live in, and the sidewalks or roads we drive on. In general all humanity sucks for the planet. Best solution for the environmentalist in you is to simply cease to exist. is a conundrum, since Trump dislikes Amazon for anti-competitive behavior, mistreatment of its workforce, tax avoidance and taking advantage of USPS...far-leftist Gizmodo should line up behind Amazon and welcome the disruption, employee practices and tax avoidance. As you have already done in multiple

Let this settle in with you leftists for a while next time you write a series of articles criticizing Trump for adopting a tougher stance against monopolistic Amazon. No company should have a far reaching power that Amazon does at this point...and no company should get away with borderline inhuman workforce practices

Love the acting and the general feel of the series, but what is the actual point? What’s the payout? Other than excruciating lengthy way of saying man and religion are the root of all oppression. You can maintain the general feel of discomfort and unease only for so long before being drained and becoming desensitized.

If you are into postmodernist SJW propaganda about man & religion hating and perpetuation of victim-hood than this show is for you.

Ah the hubris, life will continue on this planet with or without us. In fact life might do better without.

Handmainds tale is a SJW wet dream propaganda filled with hours of simmering man and religion hating to reinforce the imagined institutional victimization and oppression.

Sure, it’s a high level man & religion hating by a postmodernist far left cultists.