
There is a part of me that thinks Furries will be the next progressive movement after trans* goes mainstream. And that will be predicated by a new form of cosmetic body modification - either genetic or implantation, etc. After all, trans* has really gained steam as the hormone therapies and gender reassignment

I’ve been fucked up eating spicy pickles before bed and then going to take out my lenses. Sometimes even soap and water isn’t enough to get my fingers clean enough.

Not to be a dick about it or anything, but at least it won’t put too much of a damper on his cosplay career. Dude’s a spitting image of Big Boss/Naked Snake.

Funnily enough, I think the last JRPG I completed was while I was in Japan - the marvelous The World Ends With You, back when I was in high school (dear god, eight years ago). It’s a genre that really asks a lot, especially when you have the resources to buy more than one game every few months. I’ve been eyeballing

Less than 40% of Japanese identify with organised religion. Buddhism is something like 35%, “Shinto” is something like 3~4%, and Christianity takes up the rest. Most Japanese practice what we in the West would call “Shinto,” which amounts to charms and venerating ancestors, mostly, but that’s just basic animism.

lol that isn’t even close to true. mccree is white, as is torbjorn, reaper, roadhog, reinhardt and junkrat.

I’m still crying.

That, and Dragon Quest looks like a generic D&D setting drawn by Akira Toriyama. Doesn’t really distinguish itself from the Western competition like Final Fantasy does.

Every fucking time. Every fucking time a company cracks down on DRM or cheating or proprietary tech it blows up in their face.

It’s consistent with the Japanese usage, where it tends to be a team up.

This seems to be fairly typical KS board game fare, in that it revolves around a bunch of handsome minis and some very mysterious game mechanics. It seems to be a Descent-like, which is fairly promising, but we shall see.

Has there ever been an anti-cheat measure taken that didn’t have huge collateral damage? From DRM to this kind of stuff it seems to be quite an issue.

Miyazaki has expressed interest in doing a sci-fi game. Maybe we’ll see that. The Soulsborne subgenre is certainly established and From has made their name with it, and you’re right that it will remain a big part of their business strategy, but I’m not sure you can assume it’s going to be within the same IP.

Woof, for me it’s the script. It’s Game of Thrones s5 bad. The environmental design is the most attractive thing about the game by far, though the combat system is pretty intriguing. It clearly needs a lot of tuning though, especially if they plan to do grand melees.

Well it’s really the combination of the two for me, to be quite honest. Sexy assassin girl has been a trope for several decades... Molly Millions was the clear antecedent here, and if she is a Molly Millions clone I couldn’t be happier. Just, as the sum total of what we know about the game, it kinda raises an eyebrow

Overwatch and the continuing journey through Dark Souls 3. Just found Pontiff Sullyvan and Irithyll dungeon. Not super thrilled to play either. The dungeon hit me with a jump scare out of nowhere that made me scream like a little girl. The whole area is spooky in a very cool way.

Listen mate, I don’t care. Tbqh, I think Nintendo did the right thing in some of those cases, Bravely Default especially. You asked for a reason and I told you. I ain’t that guy. Bother him about it.

Wow! On looks alone I’m quite interested. They’re clearly taking a lot of visual cues from stuff like the -monogatari series and Mononoke (the 13 episode anime series, not the Ghibli movie).

Because they’ve been censoring a lot of 3DS releases - Bravely Default and Fire Emblem, I think?

I’m getting ruined by Pontiff Knights at the moment, so I feel ya.